1 month of Huel and already 5 kg down

Hi everyone,

I know this topic has been posted a hundred times already but I really like the idea of having some kind of record of my weight loss journey. I love the positive community here on the forums and would love to get feedback from you guys. I will try to post updates once a week or so.

After starting in an office job at the beginning of the year I noticed how the kilos were beginning to pile on but eating healthier and counting calories seemed like too much of a hassle to me, until I discovered Huel. I am now into my second month of full on Huel meal replacement and I’m already seeing the results.
Now I can plan out my whole day, know exactly how many calories I am consuming and feel reassured that I am putting something healthy into my body.

I am a 29 year old male, 184cm and started off with ~106 kg. I used the app myfitnesspal to calculate how many calories I need to cut to lose 1kg a week and have been sticking to this strict calorie counting. Huel makes everything so easy! I drink 5 shakes with 2 scoops each every day, coming out at just over 1500kcal. Without really increasing the amount of exercise I do I am now losing weight at a steady pace and couldn’t be happier. My goal is to get back down to 85kg.


That’s great! So you’re 100‰ huel? 1500 seems like a small amount. Are you getting enough energy on that?

Wow this is very positive!!

I have 2 x 3 scoops huel a dayand protein pancake in eve and some meat as snacks during day… but i didn’t think of splitting them through the day like you do.

May give that a try and also prevents cravings better I should think…

I have 2 months until I go away. Need to lose 6kg!!:pray:


Fair play, that’s amazing! I am very tempted to try the same approach. How have you felt as you’ve done it? And are you really sick of Huel or have you managed to keep it interesting? Any cheat days at all?

That sounds great! Well done and stay strong, I look forward to hearing your updates.

Wow, so many replies! I really didn’t expect that much attention :slight_smile:.
1500 kcal probably isn’t enough, but the whole point is to shed the kilos effectively. I’m not interested in the process taking forever. I have gotten used to the smaller portions, partly because of my meal schedule. Taking one shake every 3 hours means that I might be left feeling hungry for a bit but never for long. In between meals I drink lots of water which helps keep my stomach somewhat filled. Energy levels are more of a concern as I am not giving my body all that it wants. But it is my belief that I am carrying more than enough energy store around with me that my body will just have to put some effort in as well :smiley:

So far I have had one cheat day when friends from out of town came by and we went on a bit of a binge, which of course led to a stop at the kebab shop. But apart from that I have managed to keep it together.

I am definitely getting cravings for more savoury options and have started trawling the forums for something that doesn’t taste sweet. A few nights a week I switch out the evening portion of Huel for 100g of sliced chicken or turkey together with 2 slices of cheese which is about 300kcal.

Thanks so much for your interest my way of doing things. If you have any questions feel free to ask


I found exactly the same, Huel helps me keep a strict note of how many calories I am eating, and stops the usual behaviour where you lie to yourself about the calorie count of your food. It’s an excellent weight loss tool as I am never hungry. Also, it means that I rarely have to go to a supermarket to buy food where history has taught me that I cannot be trusted to make good choices.


May I ask how you’re getting on

Sorry for the slow updates. Real life has been keeping me busy, but not too busy to stick to my huel weight loss plan :slight_smile:. It has been 32 days since I started tracking my eating habits and weight with myfitnesspal and I am now down to 98,2kg and have dropped 5% body fat. I still try to stick to eating only 1500kcal a day but since I have started going back to the gym I have started having mini-cheatdays after workouts (meaning I get to have between 300-400kcal more on that day).

Apart from that everthing has stayed quite stable. There are of course days where I am feeling a bit sick of Huel, but looking at the weight loss charts keeps me powering through. I don’t think I will drop Huel even when I have reached my goal of 85kg. I have found that it’s perfect for meals during office hours and has saved me so much time per week.

So there you have it. I will try to update more regularly but no promises. If you like you can add me on myfitnesspal: PatrickBosch343.

Have a nice week guys


Remember muscle is heavier than fat by volume. So at some point your weight will level out and you may even get heavier, but hopefully with better muscle tone. So don’t worry too much about what the scales say!

You are correct, weight isn’t a very useful measurement when getting fitter. I pay much more attention to body fat measurement myself. Getting back down to ~17% is my goal (I’m at 30% at the moment :frowning:)

What are you using to measure this?

Well done i am on my first week sticking to under 1500 cals i have 2 shakes a day 3 scoops each plus a few cups of tea taking in around 1300 cal at moment.
First weigh in on Wednesday so fingers crossed long road ahead

Good job on the weight loss and keeping to the the diet, @Efficient_german.

Do you consider the relatively low intake of vitamins, minerals etc. on this diet?

@GTIPuG I am using the Withings scale (think it’s made by Nokia now) to measure body fat. It’s not perfect but the convenience of just stepping on a scale trumps all the other available options.

@keva67 Good job :+1:. Have you tried using 2 scoops and 3 shakes a day? I have found that it keeps me more sated.

@piju Thank you for your kind words. One thing I don’t understand though is your assumption that huel is low on vitamins, minerals etc. As far as I know the opposite is true. I have started feeling much better since using mainly huel in my diet.

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@Efficient_german Hi, I’m not assuming that Huel is low on vitamins and so on, quite the contrary. I’m merely thinking that an intake lower than 2000 kcal per day also means an intake lower than 100% of recommended intake (RI) in many cases of vitamins and minerals etc. Please correct me if I’m wrong. =)

I’m asking because I am doing this myself, consuming three meals of three scoops per day, and have wondered about the long term effects.

Hi @piju. As far as I know Huel actually contains much higher doses of vitamins and minerals than the body can actually absorb so I think that even with just 3x3scoops you are oversaturating. But I’m far from an expert. I just know that I actually feel a lot better since I started going nearly 100% Huel

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