v1.2 - New Version of Vanilla Seems Off

Update on the taste difference in v1.2
(batch numbers 2058 vanilla and 2061 unflavoured & unsweetened)

We have investigated further with our contract manufacturer and suppliers. All the ingredients are sourced from the same suppliers and are identical with the exception of the flaxseed and the rice. Both of these were sourced from the same supplier but they have confirmed these two ingredients were in turn sourced from a new source because stock wasn’t available at the time.

We have re-tested these two ingredients and agree there is a slight taste difference from the normal rice and flaxseed we use. Of the four people in Huel HQ, two preferred the taste of the previous version and two preferred the taste of batch 2058.

I have personally been using v1.2 and have had no ill effect and none have been reported by customers, so we put the taste difference down to natural variants because it’s been grown in a different location.

However, we understand that a consistent taste is preferable and therefore we have halted productions with the two ingredients mentioned above. There is some stock at our fulfilment house this will be fully dispatched by Monday / Tuesday next week.

New batches of the flaxseed and rice are due for delivery today and we have assured that these are from the exact same original source we have used in the past. We will produce new batches of both the Vanilla and Unflavoured & Unsweetened Monday/Tuesday and these should be available for dispatch on Wednesday.

We are sorry for the taste difference and will put measures in place with our suppliers to ensure a more consistent taste in future.