1month in review

I thought I’d hold off on posting a review until I’d been having huel for a decent amount of time so here it is, one month in…
My first few days of huel (breakfast and lunch) were a bit of an ordeal, I was just shake mixing and couldn’t get on with either the lumps or the oaty taste. If I’d just had a sample rather than 2 massive bags I’d have ditched it there and then.
Over the next few days I gradually adopted a few changes, blending (with a cheap stick blender), refrigerating (massive difference) and adding the huel strawberry flavouring (sweet tooth). Now I love it, I’m still on breakfast and lunch but have done a few full days when I couldn’t be bothered cooking.
I enjoy the taste, the ease of preparation, I don’t get hungry between meals and the fact that I no longer eat any crap.
In the last month I’ve had no macdonalds/KFC/greggs/chocolate/crisps and I was almost a daily indulger. I haven’t missed any of it.
I’ve lost 7lb in the last four weeks with breakfast and lunch huel and a healthy evening meal (and a decent walk each evening).
Shortly I’ll be reordering so as far as my review goes I’m sold!