Blood Pressure and Huel

Can powder protein make blood pressure rise or fall ?
I’m new to Huel and protein drinks and want to know if it’s safe to consume, i contacted my Doctor they said i should contact the maker of the products to see how people’s opinions have been towards the product.
I have the white bag of Huel protein

Hey David, there’s no reason why Huel would make your blood pressure rise on it’s own. Assuming you are talking about chronic/long term hypertension, diabetes and having obesity can increase the risk for developing high blood pressure as well as lack of exercise and unhealthy lifestyle choices.

Huel is safe to consume but you should keep your eye on your whole diet and lifestyle.

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Thanks Tim, yeah i currently have treated hypertension and on healthy eating plan over a year now resulting on 7 stone weight lass. I was introduced to Huel but wanted to check before consuming, as i was looking for an afternoon food replacement.
Thanks for reply.

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