Digestive Enzymes Recommendations?

I’ve been using huel for a few months and I quite like it. I’ve decided to up the ante and use it to bulk up, aiming for 2000 kcals from it solely.

I tried it for a day and had a really bloating experience.

What are some recommendations for digestive enzymes to solve this issue?

Try it for more than a day.

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Rennie deflatine

I would perhaps suggest mixing up your Huel so you aren’t just having the powder. 2000kcal of v3.0/Black Edition is quite a lot of water to consume. Perhaps add in some Hot & Savoury to mix it up :tomato: :hot_pepper:

Maybe try “eating intervals” to give you body a chance to digest the Huel process the nutrition.

Think of it like this, chugging a Huel is a bit like eating a whole steak in 30 seconds, I’d feel pretty bloated too :smiley:

I try and drink mine in 250ml portions with at least 30 mins between each.

I make up 2.5 litres a day. Drink breakfast between 8-10am, then Lunch 12-2pm. Then have the last 500ml post training. This balances the science around nutritional availability with the practicalities of my day to day life. Everyone is different though…