One month later :)

I have now used Hueal 1-2 times/day for about a month.
First I bought vanilla and chocolate and loved both :revolving_hearts:
I wanted to try the coffee and berry and OMG the berry is nice, my favorite now!

The coffee doesn’t taste like the coffee I’m used to, it’s more like a mild latte but is great with flavor boost though, but I probably just buy vanilla and add espresso in that :coffee:

UPS has worked really good and the guy that drives asked me the second time if I already run out of Huel because it wasn’t more that a couple of weeks he delivered the first :rofl:

I look forward to get the Huel from the fridge, so I think it will be just as good, every day, as my morning coffee is… every day. My bf asked if I don’t get bored of it, but I’m not :blush:

My stomach works better than before, little farty the first 2-3 days but it passed :mask: :sweat_smile:
Usually when summer heat comes my pimples is terrible, but it is not at all that bad now.

So I just want to say “Thank you for a great product” and “Happy 4th birthday” :cake: :gift_heart::cup_with_straw:


I always remind people of this when they ask why I don’t get bored of it :grin: