What's the purpose of the "special instructions" field while ordering?

During checkout, there is a “special instructions” field. What is its purpose? Who reads it? When is it read? What can one request there?

So far I’ve used it three times, and it had no effect all three times. (I used it to request scoops, but that’s a different matter, this post is about the field itself)

Has anyone used this field? What did you use it for? Did it work?

I put in there I wanted @Tim_Huel to personally deliver my Huel but it didnt happen so he must have been on holiday that day.


Bump. Still wondering about this.

I think it’s an instruction for the delivery driver. Like for example “my door bell doesn’t work” or “deliver to the back of the property”

If I remember right, that field said that it’s not for delivery instructions, and one should use something else (the delivery link sent after the order is dispatched?) for delivery instructions.

Hmm… strange I’ve no idea then because if huel don’t respond to it nor the courier then the message must go to someone

It does go to you, the costumer, in the order confirmation. :roll_eyes:

This box has historically definitely always been ignored. There seems to be a glitch - I wrote “please could I have a black t-shirt” in this box when I placed my first ever order. They didn’t read it and sent me a grey t-shirt.
Since then I’ve never filled in this field again, and it appears blank when I place an order, but on every single order confirmation that comes through, the original t-shirt message is repeated. I think this is why they ignore it. Because old messages never get removed.

This may have all been cleaned up tho with the new interface. We shall have to test it and report back!!

I used to have a job where I had to interact with a uk wide service provider and they never acknowldedged the special instructions box. In the end i used to write all sorts of random rubbish because it was so pointless and frustrating…

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