
I might be late in noticing this; but what’s with the pivot towards ‘naturally’ across the product descriptions?

I thought Huel used synthetic forms of vitamins wherever they’re nutritionally superior to natural variants. Because Huel is optimised for bioavailability and nutrition, not marketing?

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Because they have been shifting focus onto a completely different demographic compared to the original users who actually helped Huel stay afloat.

Now the focus is on the average person who knows nothing about nutrition and wants to eat tasty food, instead of hardcore busy professionals who just need calories.


The vitamins and minerals in Huel come from a combination of the whole food ingredients like oats or flaxseed, as well as synthetic vitamins from a vitamin and mineral blend. We have a great break down here if you want to check it out, it goes through each vitamin and mineral and how much comes from the whole food ingredients vs vitamin and mineral blend! Huel

Thanks Maddie. I’ve been a customer since 2015 so well versed there :slight_smile:

I’ve always felt like Huel was a bastion of good nutrition, so it’s a little disappointing to see you start to lean towards natural ingredients being superior.

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This is exactly correct. There is an inverse relationship between quantity and quality.

I hear you, Tristan. You and I both know that non-natural forms of vitamins can be just as good, sometimes better, than natural forms. Unfortunately, words like ‘synthetic’ and ‘artificial’ have very negative connotations and can be very off-putting for people less well-versed in the research.

Ultimately, a nutritionally complete option like Huel is no good if people don’t want to consume it, so a balance needs to be struck such that we provide an attractive product offering from a marketing perspective that still maintains a superior formula from an evidence-based scientific perspective.


But people do want to consume it, and have been consuming it ever since it came out.

Your wish is that more people consume it. But that has no relation to how good the product is nutritionally.

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Of course, and those of you who have been with Huel since the beginning really are our lifeblood. We’re passionate about our mission to offer nutritionally complete solutions for both people and planet, but we’re also a growing business and we want to make these solutions accessible to as many people as possible. This has to involve marketing as much as anything else. It doesn’t change the core of the products we offer in terms of sustainable nutrition, just how we package it to potential Hueligans. :blush:

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