I love the idea of plant-based no-fuss optimal nutrition and have been considering purchasing Huel. The people behind Huel strike me as good guys trying to make a difference in the world and I salute their efforts.However I have some concerns I’d like to submit to this community and hopefully I will receive some advice.
#1 Dr Jason Fung says that weight control is about insulin not calorie deficit - https://idmprogram.com/the-failure-of-the-calorie-theory-of-obesity. Huel seems to have very high carb content that would stifle the lowering of insulin #2 The protein levels of a 2000 calorie Huel day seem really high. Beyond what is generally recommended by the NHS #3 ALA content to make sure EPA and DHA levels are high enough goes beyond what is recommended here - https://veganhealth.org/omega-3s-part-2/#SumBenCon - “If it weren’t for the (small chance) for potential eye problems, I’d suggest either adding 3 g of ALA per day or taking DHA supplements. Because of the eye issues, that much ALA is not worth the risk when DHA supplements are available.”
While it is true that the CICO model is under scrutiny as long term weight management in the overall population, and macronutrient content and balance seems key; this does not mean the main problem is insulin. He does not seem to give much data to back this statement.
It must be also said that this model does work for many people (including myself) and it is a good general guideline to lose weight.
The other issue is that losing weight needs to be part of a change in lifestyle to promote long term benefits. Carrying out those kind of long term studies is challenging.
Eitherway, Huel’s carbohydrate content is not very high:
185g per day and 6.2g of sugar. The European guidelines for a 2,000kcal diet are at least 260g a day (more in males) and 70-90g of sugar.
Huel is mainly complex carbohydrates and it’sGI is around 27 (at least old formula) which means it has a smaller impact in blood sugar levels, hence the insulin response is smaller. The glycemic load of Huel is around 10 per seving (low).
You do not follow carbs according NHS but you do follow the protein guidelines provided by the NHS?
Most western diets actually lack on omega-3 and are heavy on omega-6, which shows increased obesity and cardiovascular disease occurrence. Thus, Huel being high in omega-3s is positive.
On top of that, unless you are looking to replace every meal with Huel, you will not be getting THAT MUCH omega-3.
I would just go for it. Huel will give you the nutrition superior to most meals you consume, most likely. Unless, you are careful enough to have the perfect nutrition in every single meal.
I can’t add anything to that impressive reply, just give it a try and see what YOU think. In my case it’s a lot better than the crap I usually eat!! The initial cost to purchase is a put off but when you break it down it’s not. Go for it