Huel for 2 year olds in UK

I stopped giving him Huel now as his doctor said it is risky. I won’t give him any more unless she says it’s okay. I only feel strongly about keeping the little guy safe and healthy. That’s my job :slight_smile:


I think your little boy looks glowing with health and very happy :blush:
I think you’re doing more than most parents do, by scrutinising the ingredients and nutrition of what you’re giving him and questionable the suitability.

Co-parenting is always a little tricky. Most people have slightly different views on endless things eg diet, schooling, bedtimes, play etc etc etc.
You’re discussing, respecting each other’s views, researching, and compromising where necessary.
You can’t do much better than that.

Very happy to hear that :slight_smile: It should be like this all the time, but sadly I see a lot of people nowadays putting their beliefs before common sense and thus endangering their kids.

My son is also 2.5 years :slight_smile: A great age, but quite the handful :wink: Enjoy! :heart:

I was thinking about this and want to add something:

Chewing solid foods is an important factor in the weaning and toddler ages to aid proper jaw development and this is why we don’t actively recommend Huel Powder in under 4s. I plan on going in to more detail on this by way of a short article next year (as well as discussing it in relation to adults).


Huel gum next then. Vitamin and mineral enriched. Kombucha and Kelp flavour for the win. With added ketamine so you can call it KKK gum.

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Not in a black package then.