Huel is Nutrition Technology

If you’re too lazy to have an intelligent debate on the matter and instead require me to break everything down to bullet point level, losing some of the information in the process, I’m not going to bother trying to educate you.


As I explained in my post you couldn’t be bothered to respond to, there’s a lot more to it than oats, peas and a multivitamin. Though you’re using the exact same arguments and wording as a now-banned troll called Archimedes.


Troll is too lazy to even eat the food that placed right in front of him. Wants it cut up into small pieces and to be spoon fed to him.


Is there a lot more to it though ?

What do you mean by this ? Its vitamin and mineral complex ?

Could you, as a lay person, design huel yourself ? I bet you could. I bet you could even improve it by some of your posts

I bet i could do with a little bit of research on the subject

Now lets go back many many years, do you believe if you were alive you could have the brains to invent a car before one existed ? A mobile phone before one even exsisted ? A computer ? Id venture to say absolutely not

They are legitimate technological advances. Blending oats and peas and sticking in some vitamins and minerals is not technology no matter how you want to spin it

I’m in the midst of a Master’s degree in nutritional sciences and have spent many months of time researching the topic. As such my answer to this question probably wouldn’t be that representative.

The problem with the car analogy is you’re thinking of modern day cars. The first cars were actually fairly simple machines, and I dare say someone with a good mechanical engineering degree would have been able to come up with the design. Modern cars on the other hand have had many decades of modification and streamlining. The comparison is only fair if you compare cars now with a complete food from about 100 years from now.


What is your plan for employment with such a degree ?

No, i wasnt thinking of modern cars. You assume that for what reason ?

If you go on wikipedia and read about the first car it is not simple. Designing the worlds first combustion engine etc its pretty genuis. People in here with a straight face are comparing this and putting it on par with blending some food together

I find that mind blowing and it screams to what i said earlier,… the cult of huel

I run a similar company to Huel, aiming for optimal nutrition. If it was as simple as you believe, why is the market on target to become a multi-billion dollar one instead of people just making their own?

The first combustion engine was not developed for a car, it was developed for a train.

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It is simple, its just a ballache to measure and weigh it all out yourself and nobody has got time for that, its buying it for convenience

Wikipedia says the inventor of the combustion engine made the first car

Or they don’t trust their own knowledge of nutrition. DIYing a month’s worth of powder takes maybe 20 minutes.

You’re thinking of internal combustion engines. External combustion engines have been patented since 1606, and was first applied in 1698:

Subsequently it was used in a steam train in 1804 (before the car):

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Actually, if you must know, yes I have. Officially diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome in November 2012. Your point being?


My initial reaction to posts and trolls like this is one of anger, but then I remember how Huel has allowed me to go from 14.8 stone, 30% body fat, down to 12.5 stone and 13% body fat in 4 months and how It saves me HOURS of time I’d otherwise spend cooking,cleaning and eating…

No amount of trolling from people who haven’t even tried it is going to stop me from having ripped abs and feeling the most healthy I’ve been my whole life.

Huel is Food Technology in a nutshell. A simple way to test this is to google the definition of technology;‘The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.’

Sounds pretty bang on to me.


You’re still stuck on a few things, so let me clarify once again:

  • I never said all technologies were equal, so I never said nutritionally complete food was of the same level of invention as things like cars.
  • My comparison with other technologies was to consider how nutritionally complete foods may become the norm in the future, whereas we are in the early niche stages right now.
  • I wasn’t just talking about Huel, and I wasn’t just talking about NOW, I was talking about ALL nutritionally complete foods in the FUTURE.

I can’t believe I’ve had to explain those points yet again. You’re inventing your own things to argue about.

Please go back and read my very first post that started this thread. I know it’s 5 paragraphs long, but please try to read it all. I’m sure you can manage it if you really try.

But let’s also revisit the definition of “technology”:
the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes

So, for nutritionally complete food, it’s the application of nutritional science for the practical purpose of feeding busy people. Seems pretty accurate, right?

So, in terms of keeping busy people healthy, nutritionally complete foods are a progression forwards. That’s all I meant.

Get it yet? If you don’t agree that nutritionally complete foods are a progression forwards, that’s a different matter altogether and you’re totally entitled to that opinion. But hopefully you now actually UNDERSTAND what I was trying to say, right?


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Pointless argument:

Technology is the branch of knowledge dealing with engineering or applied sciences.

Nutrition is an applied science as opposed to a pure science.

It’s not a leap to call Huel Nutrition Technology and comparisons with feats of engineering or other applied sciences don’t really say that much.