Yes slightly nitpicking, however maybe I should have been more clear… I didn’t get into my diet/lifestyle and reasons for it as I don’t think it has any relevant value to the original post and frankly I think others would find it boring! I have been extremely ill this year and have had to eliminate certain things from a purely health and self preservation level, because of adverse reactions.
I am currently taking medication that is helping me to recover (wahoo!) but one of the side effects affect my appetite, and make me feel constantly nauseous. This makes it hard for me to eat and get my proper nutrition, so thats why I have been so happy to find Huel. It enables me to get what I need even when I am not able to stomach food as it’s much easier for me to force a drink down, than a plate of food.
In no way was I saying to change Huel, or even agreeing with the original question of wanting a list of pesticides etc.
I agree that with so many companies using the terms ecological, organic and natural, which are not regulated (or are but very loosely) does muddy the waters but on the other hand there are relevant bodies who’s only purpose is to fiercely regulate their ‘label’ or ‘stamp’, which is what the original poster linked to with the Swedish booklet.