Pls make unsalted version

Hi guys - some very fair points raised in this thread and good idea keeping this in its own thread.

Yes, we are looking at the salt issue and I have made the decision that we WILL be revising the content in V2.1. However, we will not be going back to V1.2 as there are so many improvements in V2.0 like the lycopene, lutein, folate and change in the ingredient ratios.

Do bear in mind that there are labeling rules that have to be followed in respect of salt and much of the sodium (which will have to be labeled as salt) will be from the main ingredients and there are other considerations.

I am working on finalising the recipe and then there will be stock issues and other logistics before V2.1 will be ready to be shipped. When I have sorted this all out, nearer the time of launch, I will announce the tweaks and this will address the other ingredient issues as well.