[Poll] Curious about huels consumer demographics - are you female or male?

  • Female
  • Male
  • Prefer not to say

0 voters

If this poll is showing any leanings in any direction, do you have any idea why?

Isnā€™t everyone gender fluid these days?


I am Aspergers female so I think my brain is more androgenous and left to my own devices have the mentality of a geeky teenage boy. Give me the simplest, cleanest, quickest, bestest form of getting fed so I can get on with more interesting things. Problem is being old, short and fat makes the numbers all wrong, they need a small person complete formula too (imho).


Iā€™d be interested in an age demographic poll.
North/South divide, income, education - all sorts of factors. But ultimately statistics are simply statistics. What difference does it make to me if most Huelers are a different age, race, or gender to me? Will I think of myself any differently? No. Will I rethink my decision to use Huel? No. But I agree it is interesting.


I used to work in an industry where stats were everything. Stats however can mean whatever you want them to mean; it is easy to manipulate them. I coined the phrase stats are for twats. It stuck; annoyed a lot of people.


Iā€™m with Homer when it comes to statistics:


Whats gender fluid ?

You donā€™t identify as being either male or female, but can switch between the two.

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Oh ffs, of course thatā€™s what it means. Ya donā€™t want to know what nasty sticky images went through my mind when I put the simpsons & whatā€™s gender fluid together.


Easy mistake to make :wink:

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Itā€™s more that gender is seen as a spectrum and not as a binary ā€˜maleā€™ or ā€˜femaleā€™.

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Cool, I love a game of activist language merry-go-round :wink:


You also need to factor in the fact that males are more likely to post on a web forum; so this will skew your ā€˜resultsā€™.


I dont think that is true, look at mumsnet and that weightloss one, minimins.com.

These are good examples of forums aimed at women

Gender is a social construct. Itā€™s what we determine as being ā€œmasculineā€ or ā€œfeminineā€. This is deeply entrenched in our society covering everything from clothes we wear (dress v trouser, knickers v boxers) to colours (blue v pink) to jobs (nurse v doctor) and what a male or female ā€œshouldā€ or ā€œshouldnā€™tā€ do. The best way to show how this is social is the colours: up until relatively recently, pink was the colour of boys, and blue that of girls. It just changes. Jeans arenā€™t seen as ā€œmasculineā€ now.

Sex is the genitals youā€™re born with. You (generally) either have a penis or a vagina. Neither of these things make a cods bit of difference as to why you should prefer blue or pink, or whether you want to be a boxer or a stay at home parent. However we have associated, over time, particular things with the blob of muscle you may or may not have between your legs. It actually makes no sense.

So some people might say ā€œI identify as maleā€ but have a vagina. Some might say ā€œI identify as femaleā€ and have a penis. Some might wake up each day feeling just that bit different and it can vary. Their sex isnā€™t changing, but their gender is.

(This is, of course, simplified, and isnā€™t going into the second ā€œsideā€ of this concerning transgendered individuals).

And no, I donā€™t consider myself gender fluid. I just donā€™t judge those who do and took some time to at least try to basically understand it.


Sure deary, that sounds about right. I was merely having a mental aberration over the choice of meaning of fluid within the group of words Simpsons, gender & fluid.

Iā€™ve seen bad things on the internet, bad things featuring the yellow family, things I will never forget. This reminded me of that experience, no more. 9/10 on a nice summary of the differences between sex & gender though :+1:


I am Mail Caucasian

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Is that first or second class?


:joy: Siri said !!