Smaller portions due to having bariatric surgery

I have a gastric band, have done for past 10 years and still struggle with foods and keeping things down…Huel has helped massively. I personally don’t find that I struggle to keep any portion of Huel down luckily. I make up a days worth, keep it in the fridge and drink throughout the day.

Hope you are getting on well with it and update us on how you are doing! :slight_smile:

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Good to hear you are doing well on Huel, Sunny :grinning:

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Hi Bee! Sorry I took aaggeeess to reply, been super busy.

So Huel is literally saving my life.

I don’t know about grams - but I have been having three scoops in 500ml of water plus a scoop of chocolate protein powder. It ends up quite thick but I find it easier to drink that way. This actually lasts me pretty much all day (small stomach innit) but to be able to even get 549 calories in is pretty amazing for me.

I don’t have huel in the evening at the moment, I have risotto or a cheese and onion bake - at most I’ll get 250 calories in me but if I have risotto its far less. I am going to move to Huel 80% once I’ve mowed my way through the remaining food in the household.

I’ve actually started losing weight again but that might be because Huel’s forced me to up my water intake. I was never going to be able to consume enough calories but Huel has meant I am not living off 300 a day now. whoopeeee


Hi Abigail. Good to hear from you and so pleased to hear that Huel is suiting you so far. Onward and upward! :grinning:

The only issue I have had, is if I make Huel too runny it doesn’t spend that long in my system, presumably because food doesn’t stay in my stomach that long and so the side effects can be “fun”

I fixed that by making a bit thicker and now we’re super happy ha

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Brilliant! Please keep us posted :+1: