What calorie size of RTD would you prefer?

Lol love it :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Where do I start???

Anyway, you fell off your bike the other day you numpty

At least I got on! You can’t even get that far.
Anyway I didn’t fall off. I flew. Theres a difference

No point getting on it if you’re going to fall off. May as well just fall over at the start and save a good bike.



Still though, you would have had a cushioned landing…

I love this forum at a weekend

Accurate quote.

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I love that I’m allowed a middle finger emoji


Too many calories :thinking:

She probably drinks surgical spirit.

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The quality of this forum is like New Year’s Eve all over again :joy::joy::joy::joy:

Oooooooo :open_mouth::open_mouth::open_mouth::laughing:

It’s like the war of the bicycle clips :grin:

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I’ve changed my mind. Can I undo my vote please? :thinking:

I’m sure only the almighty Tim can move your vote. What would you like to vote for now?

Seeing as I’m going to be increasing my calorific intake and assuming I did get to try a bottle and it suited my digestion, I think perhaps a meal of 400 cals would be better.


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Is that frog drinking his own pee?