2x bags of U/U & 2x bags of Berry for sale

Afternoon fellow Hueligans,

I am selling off 2 bags of U/U & Berry each, to feed my RTD habit. :syringe:


Anyone fancy buying them at a discounted rate? :shopping_cart:

I’m open to offers.
I can meet to hand over in person (if you’re based in London or Surrey), but you must promise to wear dark sunglasses, a trilby and a red rose in your jacket button hole. :male_detective:t3::rose:

EDIT: I should’ve said that I’m also happy to post them too, in case that wasn’t clear and people just thought I wanted a shady rendezvous.

PS - the best before dates are:

U/U: 07/2019
Berry: 10/2019
Berry: 10/2019
U/U: 11/2019


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How much for Berry and where in Surrey? Anywhere close to Epsom or Cheam?

£30 for the pair sound reasonable?

Epsom & Cheam are both about 30 mins from me.

Yep, I’m down that way most weekends so could drop in Saturday or Sunday. I’ll PM you.

@Tim_Huel Can multiple referral reward codes be used in one order?

n00b question there Phil. Answer is NO.

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Aw what? So if I refer 12 people I have to wait one year to use all codes? That’s kind of daft…

It is to do with possible exploitation of the system. It would be quite easy to refer a lot of people (on Facebook threads, eBay listings etc.) and get free Huel for life.

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… Totally didn’t plan on doing this…


Anybody else find it weird how quickly @hunzas figured out how a scam would have worked?

Dodgier than Del Boy’s tax disc that bloke.


Be careful not to let him take care of taxes for anyone :rofl:
Might be good, might backfire.