As long as it’s yours it’ll do.
hi! i’ve been a long time lurker of the forum (although i’m quite active on the reddit as _deWitt) and i’ve got to admit that i registered principally for this: as a design passionate/student and interface nerd i’m very curious about the ui/ux aspect of this :]
Hi…sounds damn interesting…would be happy to be also part of the group
Happy to help if you still need people😁
Average female consumer here. Also a new customer. I’m happy to help if you need one more person.
Hello & happy to be involved. I have no idea what those techy initials mean but I have slurped, munched & forked Huel for near 2 years now to my great intestinal fodmappy joy. Oighrig
Hi! I’d be interested. Fairly standard female customer here (albeit quite new) & happy to help
@Tim_Huel Maybe you should let this guy loose on your site? Some interesting case studies there…
Happy to take part if possible. Anything to help.
Where did my link go?
I’d be happy to help too. I’m a business analyst with experience in web design and development.
I’m happy to help. I’m a standard regular Huel user!
I’m interested. Have over 10 years experience with web development and software development. Not sure if that helps.
New customer, computer science student with modules in UX and modules in college relating to UX, interested
Thanks by the way to everyone who has signed up for this! We’re almost ready to get started. Sorry for the delay, lots going on but we haven’t forgotten! Stay tuned!
I’d love to help if you are still seeking more testers. I’m a database manager but do a fair bit of user acceptance testing on our website at work.
ah okay, I thought you’ve forgotten about this bunch of great Hueligans <3