Adding Flavour Boost order to subscription shipment


I have a standing subcription for two bags of huel powder.
I would like to order a bag of flavour boost but since it’s only one bag the shipping will not be free.

I read a post about not being able to add one-time items, but I would like to see if it’s possible to just ask you to include it in the same package as my subscription so I don’t have to pay for extra shipping.

If possible, how do I make this happen?
Thank you & keep up the great work.


Hi Kevin. You go into your account and into ‘manage subscription deliveries’. You will find the option to ‘add product’ in there. You can then select ‘one time purchase’ which should include in the same delivery. Worked for me.


That’s great! Worked perfectly!

Can’t believe I missed that, thank you so much!