Extra protein for workouts and flavour?

I occasionally do very intense workouts in my pursuit of non-flabbyness.

Is it possible, or wise, to add 20g of whey protein to the Huel meal I have post workout to both replenish the protein for muscle growth and introduce flavour?



Personally, I don’t think it is necessary. A full-day supply of Huel already contains 150 grams of protein. That’s a lot, even for those with intense workouts.

For flavour, texture and nutritional goals I have at least one scoop of ON Strawberry for each scoop of Huel.

Or for lighter meals / snacks I’ll have one scope of huel and 2 x protein.

Works for me.

FYI I do HIIT 3-4 times a week.

If you struggle to meet your protein requirements for the day, adding protein to your huel is a good way to go, as i do it myself sometimes.
Huel with an extra 20-30 grams of chocolate flavoured MaxiNutrition Lean Protein, gives an extra boost of protein for days i work out, and a boost of flavour in general.
Just remember: 1 gram of Protein per pound of body weight is always a safe route to go.

“For endurance athletes, Peter Lemon, a professor of exercise nutrition at the University of Western Ontario, recommends getting between 0.5 and 0.7 grams of protein per pound of body weight. “For strength athletes, those numbers are even higher–generally between 0.7 and 0.8 grams of protein per pound of body weight,” he says. If you’ve been shooting for a gram of protein per pound of body weight–or more–you’re overdoing it. Your body won’t be able to process those extra calories, and they’ll ultimately end up as just one thing: fat.”

Men’s Fitness, Protein: a Guide to Maximum Muscle


Consuming a high protein diet (3.4 g/kg/d) in conjunction with a heavy resistance-training program may confer benefits with regards to body composition. Furthermore, there is no evidence that consuming a high protein diet has any deleterious effects.

You can argue this all you want but all you really need to know and do is calories in vs calories out = weight gain/loss.

I still recommend science.

I don’t think we are as far apart as you seem to be making us out to be. I actually consume almost double the DRI of protein, at approximately 100 grams per day.

Please note you are talking 3.4 grams/kilogram, whereas I wrote 1 gram/pound. If my math is correct, that would be 2.2 grams/kilogram.

According to ISSA: “For anyone who is moderately to extremely active, 2 to 3 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight is a good general guideline.”

Please also note, the OP was asking about adding 20 grams of protein to his post workout Huel meal. So he is asking if he should have 49-57 grams of protein in one drink (depending if he defines has 100g x 5 meals or 125g x 4 meals). Some studies say 20 or 40 grams of whey protein have the same (optimal) result post workout. Others say 40 grams is better than 20. But I can’t find any studies that recommend over 40 grams in a single drink post workout.

Math: grams per kilogram ≠ grams per serving.

Here’s a suggestion: don’t be so snippy with your “science” label. It is off-putting and rude to insinuate that other people’s sources and input are not science. No need to cast aspersions

Sorry for being an ass.

On topic though, I would say the article you quoted is flat out incorrect. There’s plenty evidence that 2,2 grams protein per pound of body weight, and more than that, affects body composition.

Regarding amount protein per serving post workout, there’s a difference in how much is enough for maximal stimulation of muscle protein synthesis (20-40 g) and how much the body can make use of for building muscle. People on an intermittent fasting regime might eat well over 100 grams of protein in one meal and that is not at all wasted or likely to end up as fat (unless of course there is a calorie surplus over a longer period).

That said, you’re probably right that we’re not very far apart in the real world. Once again: sorry for being snippy.

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