Just started my first full day of huel black. 400 cal in the morning , 200 calorie bar and 400 cal hot and savoury for lunch. I couldn’t make it to dinner as I felt very tired. The past 2 weeks I’ve been exercising an hour 6 days a week. But today I ate a bit of junk to saitate me before I had a tofu block( protein 38mg approx ) with salad. I felt very weak and tired after lunch. Should I top up my huel black with another scoop? An extra bar? Extra scoop of savoury? My goal Is a 2 stone weight loss as I am currently overweight coming from nearly 40% body fat from a battle with my mental health. I am currently at around 25% - 30 % body fat and have been for around a year. I know I need to do a bit of soul searching to ultimately work out what I need to do but I’d love some suggestions. Tomorrow I’m going to use oat milk instead of water for my shake but , I was wonder if there was a lower carb solution? When I exercise I use 5 fuel that gives me another 80g of carbs already while doing anaerobics and a big boost of sugar. I am aiming for 1.5k calories per day. If I’m going to exercise this much should I bring it up a few hundred? Any advice welcome any food advice (vegan) please
Where are you getting that 1500 calories target from? You need to be calculating your TDEE and deducting 500 calories from that and you should lose a couple of pounds a week.
However depending on your age, height, weight etc., your target calories may be too low.
Checkout https://tdeecalculator.net/
And see what it suggests, that’s my first bit of non-qualified advice!
Very helpful thank you. I guess I haven’t properly thought about that. I’ll do that and report back. The goal of 1500 is based on generic calorie advice aka pulled from my ass. I’ll be right back and edit this post!
Well that makes a lot of sense… I guess I’m going to need more huel! I’ll bump up my calories probably huel alone by 500 calories/ and not worry about oat milk calories it seems!
Heh yeah I suspected that may be the case… happy to help! Best of luck, I’ve lost like 3 stone or something like that now (stopped counting a while back and concentrating on building up strength).
Definitely a great goal. I think huel will be even better when I don’t have to worry about being overweight! The improvements people seem to get for strength on huel black seem very promising
Thanks @Talort great advice! Isn’t it exciting @Zifor when you realise you’ve got some extra calories you can eat! One of the things I love about Huel is how easily I can work out how much I’ve eaten. Often it’ll get to 3/4pm I’ll be feeling a bit weary and then will quickly go “So, I’ve eaten 400kcal Huel Black, 200kcal bar at 11, 400kcal TGC at lunch…” then realise that’s actually not enough for me and think YAY gimme another Salted Caramel Bar!
Keep us posted on how you’re doing, George. 40%–> 25-30% is incredible, keep it up!
First download myfitnesspal so you can input your weight, the approximate amount of exercise you currently do, your current weight and target weight, then you select by how many weeks/months you wish to reach your target weight by.
And it’ll tell you your target calorie deficit and amount of calories you should consume daily.
It also allows you to easily log huel or any food into the app easily if you want to go that far.
If you are exercising 6 days a week i’d say 1,000 calories is not enough. I was put on a 1,500 calories a day which would mean losing 0.7kg a week, that was without exercising daily
yes that’s a good point , I’ve upped to around 1.7k calories and with exercise its around 1.2k. Ill see if that is reasonable shortly. My fitness pal is a great app
Honestly I exercise six days a week rotating HIIT with resistance training and I have never ever included that exercise within any kind of calories burned calculation because everything always overestimates it horribly.
Don’t eat your workout. Just figure out your TDEE on a random day, drop that level by 500 and you’ll do just fine.
Lost around half a stone in 3 weeks so far. Finally not stagnating. Thank you for everyone’s advice and thanks huel
Another pound this week should be down a stone by Christmas
So brilliant, go you!!