Happy with huel, sad about the delivery

Loved huel before but quit for a while. Decided to come back now that I’m training again as it’s great for additional calories ect.

Hadn’t had the product in over a year, no shaker and no scoop now sadly :frowning:

Was looking forward to getting the T-shirt :joy:

Sad customer :cry:

You can buy all those things on the website! Unfortunately it would be at an additional cost but you did already have a full set for free once. I wonder if another person close to you who has the same shirt size as you would be willing to try Huel? If they didn’t like it, they could give you all their free stuff! As long as they had a different name and address and debit card details…

Everybody loves a freebie. Was just super disappointed when I opened my box :joy:

I tried that, but my mate loves it. Selfish so ‘n’ so :wink:

I love team Huel so won’t say any more after this message, but maybe this other “friend” was never all that interested in the first place? :thinking: either way enjoy your return to the good stuff. Shakers in supermarkets and Argos etc are less than a fiver FYI

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