Huel wear bargains

In case anyone needs a new outfit, I was on the Huel website earlier and Huelwear is now at a whopping 75% off. I bought something and then received another 10% off at checkout.


Happy 8 years on the forum @hunzas! What a way to celebrate :cake:


That’s the only reason he’s made this thread.


congrats @hunzas. drinks all round!

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Thanks, just ordered 2 t-shirts and 2 pairs of jogging bottoms for £45.00. Should have been £200.00!

Happy Anniversary.

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Haha. I hadn’t actually realised it was my forum cake day til now. And indeed what a way to celebrate.

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I hadn’t actually realised

Send commission (20% I believe) PayPal friends and family to hunzasisafuckingstar@gmail.cock


Shame the jeans only start from 32 inch leg as they look great

Apparently it’s fashionable to turn them up.
I always thought that looks ridiculous, but I am a style icon.

Wow. Thanks for the heads up. I don’t usually look at Huelwear because it’s a bit pricey for me but I just had a lovely unexpected shopping spree.

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I know. I only spotted it by chance…dunno how long it has been there

If only they had a forum they could communicate such deals to their loyal following.

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they’ve been on discount since they announced that they wouldn’t be continuing development of the range from what I remember - but I think it was usually 50%.

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Oh yeah it’s been 50% for ages

Its all gone to shit since Tim left.


So, t-shirts worth it?

Well they’re only about 27p now…but nah.

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I tried to add some food in the same order, got annoyed that I still can’t buy a single bag of powder, and flounced off lol.

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I’ve always been of the opinion that companies should pay me to walk around wearing their logo.