Feel free to check it out! If you also keep a personal Huel/fitness blog or even if you just want to be a part of it then let’s share the journey! It’d be great to see what everyone else gets up to and share some
I have a blog and Huel is mentioned but mostly about challenges, running and parkrun with the odd product review thrown in an me moaning about injuries.
Hey Martyn! That sounds cool! If you’re comfortable to do so/want to give me a follow
I’ll follow your (well everybody as a matter of fact) story too of course, as the whole point is to build a connection of people who are all doing their thing
Nice one @Coup Would you mind sharing this here? That’s if @jeffy89 would be cool with that. I think it’s quite a far way down the forum line that’s all!
If you search “daily journal” you will find it, but I was just making a bit of a joke when I said read it when you have a spare 5 minutes as it would take quite a while to read it all.