In the other end

Just felt this needed to be said: Huel makes taking a dump an even greater pleasure than it usually is. Maybe we shouldn’t dig too deep into the subject, but … size, texture, regularity … It just works very well.

I fear this information is hard to incorporate into marketing, but quite a few people would benefit from improvement in this area. They should be told.


I had a bad case of constipation after (takeaway) food poisoning and it was no joke for about 2 weeks. Got sore, sluggish and down!!

I’m planning on adding Huel to my next batch of veggie, mixed bean and chickpea curries… You can set your watch to your next day’s ‘regularity’, eating those badboys. Like an inverse colonic and we’re talking perfect 4’s on the Bristol Scale. Non-skids.
Add in all that Huel goodness and if it works, I’ve found my dream food!!

More serious note, it would be as close as I’ve been to sustaining vegan diet too. Safe to assume I don’t eat any takeaways these days.