Lost some credibility

Now that you mention it, “beaver anus” is really funny.
OP would not approve of my giggles.

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I for one will certainly sleep a bit better knowing that my Huel is free from beaver anus. However, I would like some clarification on whether or not it contains weasel scrotum. And as for the slime, they have only declared it absent of the pink variety. What about other colours of slime? If it turns out that my Huel contains green slime, I shall be calling Ghostbusters.

Slimer has been a thorn in our side for quite a while now.


Is there just a little bit of this going on?


I guess it does appear to be a little bit of a cheap shot, but no harm really and if people genuinely are asking about this, then fair enough. It would be different if this sort of thing was splashed all over the front page, but it’s fairly restrained otherwise.


Appears to be a reference to this


but I must admit it completely passed me by and hasn’t put me off at all.

Wasn’t it Jamie Oliver who exposed pink slime?

Pink slime and Castoreum are very real food ingredients. Like others have pointed out, top chef Jamie Oliver has spoken numerous times in pieces on national TV and in his books about pink slime. The Castoreum is certainly not as widely known about, but it is a thing too, and it has been associated with Vanilla flavourings, which of course is the main flavour of Huel, so it is entirely natural that they want to point out that their flavouring does NOT come from this (rare) but sometimes used source.

I don’t see the problem with pointing out that these are the types of ingredients that do actually find their way into readily available food that we all eat, without us necessarily realising it. And it demonstrates that the people at Huel think very carefully about what they put into their product.

It’s almost as if you’re looking for a “vegan PR push” to react against because nobody else seems to have notice. Btw… I’m not a vegan either.

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Can’t say I was looking for something other than information about what’s in Huel.

I know it doesn’t contain Pink Slime or Castoreum because it’s vegan, it’s an unnecessary statement that offers nothing about the product. There is so much more information that could be added here that would be useful or interesting but this is irrelevant and provocative.

As I have outlined in further posts, the positive response has me reconsidering my position, I don’t dispute that there are many issues with the food industry so I’m not looking for reasons to raise an issue. But I’m also not sure what Huel is trying to do by outlining these issues in particular, perhaps a page outlining some issues around the food industry would be a better way of doing this, so I can learn about Huel and read on further issues if I so wish? Just a thought.

Then just ignore it?

Thank you Marcus, the point was to create discussion which this has and it’s been a predominantly positive experience for me, which is great. Might I suggest that if your best advice is to ignore statements written on the Internet, responding to forums really shouldn’t be your go to move. Perhaps ignoring this thread may serve you better, assuming ones own advice is often a bitter pill to swallow.

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No, that wasn’t my best advice, my best advice was:

“My advice is to try not to get put off by a few words. I appreciate that they are rather extreme terms to use. Ultimately, though, it’s the product itself that matters. As someone who has used Huel since August last year, I highly recommend it. It tastes nice, makes me feel good, and saves a lot of time and hassle.”

I seriously think you just need to try Huel, because really that’s what matters. Maybe my previous message was midjudged, and for that I apologise. But I stand by the sentiment behind what I have said, that you shouldn’t let a few words put you off enjoying what is an otherwise top meal replacement.

Ultimately, it depends what your reason for being here is. If you’re looking for an excellent meal replacement drink, you’ve found it. End of story really. Strange marketing tactics or not, that’s the bottom line, I think. If you let a few bizarre marketing phrases put you off making use of the convenience of Huel, I don’t think you’re doing yourself any favours.

This discussion has been interesting, though, and I think there is a difference between whether or not I should be part of this thread, and my advice to you to not be put off by the strange words. I obviously failed to make that clear, and I apologise for that.

I see nothing wrong with the page.
I’d be concerned if it said it DID contained Pink Slime and Beaver Anus though.
Lets not worry about it :slight_smile:

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I really don’t get it. Pink slime is a used a lot by the news and public, it’s a well known term, we get asked about it, it has a wikipedia page - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pink_slime even Mcdonals use it on their website - http://www.mcdonalds.com/us/en/your_questions/our_food/do-you-use-so-called-pink-goop-in-your-chicken-mcnuggets.html

PS. I’m a not a vegan.

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Why did you type the PS in an Italian accent? :stuck_out_tongue:

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My wife asked me whether the body was actually able to absorb all the nutrients in Huel.

The thought hadn’t even occurred to me.

But there it is on the website… They do seem to have thought of everything including pre empting potential customers questions/concerns.

I’d never heard of pink slime or beaver anus until reading this thread and hadn’t previously been familiar with the concept of such a thing as a “vegan PR push”.


McDonald’s makes mention of it because it has been linked with their burgers and/or chicken McNuggets. Pink slime is associated with meat byproducts.

Nobody (that I know of) would link Huel with meat byproducts. Right?

I think you’re probably right, there, Ric. It certainly never occurred to me that anything like that would be in something like Huel.

But thinking about it some more, I’m just wondering whether anyone who, once one the Huel site and looking at the information page, would be reassured by the fact that Huel doesn’t contain pink slime. There must be a few people for whom it’s an important issue, and once presented with the reassurance that it’s not in Huel, feels better for knowing that (even if it hadn’t initially occured to them to ask whether it contained it). Whether or not there’s more of them than the few people offended by the term is hard to guess. I suspect the majority of people aren’t too bothered, though.

Still, look on the bright side, Ric. It gives all all something to chat about.

People might compare it to a protein shake, which often contain animal-related products.

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I don’t think McDonalds should be the reference point here, the information page is light on useful information and the thing that stands out on the page is what’s not in Huel which is implied at the off.

Personally, it put me off, even if you wanted to show you have a healthy more responsibly produced food source to McDonalds this page is irrelevant. I’m not asking you to take it off the page just saying it put me off because I expected better.

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Can’t agree that it is light on information when there are clear links to this

as well as FAQs, how to use, this forum and how to buy.

I think this thread has made humanity lose some credibility :joy: