Major life change

Hi all new Huel user and in a bit of a crisis .
44 years old
16st 12 lbs
5ft 10 in
Heres the story, was on high blood pressure meds but stopped them about 4 months ago myself. Was doing home measurements and seem find then started to climb agian .
Weight had also started to climb moving jobs from working on building sites installing A/C to being a service engineer . Most days are now 50% driving to 50% work and its not the same output from input so the weight gain.
Was at the docs two weeks ago and he wanted me to do my bp for 5 days and come back in for a fasting glucose test .
Bp was raised a bit 160/90 so back on the tablets again .
But it was the Glucose that was eleveated cant remember the figure think it was 9 . So have an appointment with the diabetic nurse on wednesday to discuss further.
Sorry im rambelling.
So now im on 3 scoops three times a day
If i am doing it right thats three meals of 500cals?
So 1500 cals a day
Nothing else but water , decaf coffee or tea .
Could murder chocolate
Could empty the fridge of everything
Worried myself to death . Is my calculations correct

So hi all


1 scoop = 152 calories (vanilla)

Glad to see you start your journey with Huel, and good luck!

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Thank you


No, a scoop is about 152 calories, so you’re consuming about 1368 calories per day. Of course, it depends how you measure your scoops. I recommend overfilling the scoop, repeatedly bashing the side until the gaps have disappeared, then scraping the excess off the top. If you don’t do that, you might get fewer calories due to gaps in scoop, and if you compress it down you will get more calories.

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This may be a bit late in the day, having used Huel for quite a while but what does a Huel scoop look like? Julian said yesterday that two were going to be included with first time orders moving forward…was there one included with original first orders…I don’t remember getting one…not that I am asking for one because I measure my Huel into 100g portions with digital scales. I do have several scoops from protein powders etc lying around, but not sure how they compare to a Huel scoop.

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Huel Scoop Image.

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You would want to get 1860 to lose 1lb a week according to these calculations
The lower you go, the harder it gets to keep to the goal, so it pays off not to force things too much

I would also recommend to get a kitchen scale, it helps a lot

I did not get one of those scoops :frowning:

You can put a note on your next order and they will ship one for you, each level scoop approx 35g

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Sorry you didn’t get one, there is potential for it to have been lost in the paper packaging. We have always given a scoop and a shaker on first time orders, but the change is that we are now adding 2 x scoops and a shaker. Just because it seems to make sense for people to have one scoop per pouch, so they can then keep a pouch at home and at work!

I am a scales user too. The other day, out of interest, I measured 5 level scoops and managed to get over 40 on all! I was being quite generous with the tapping/refilling method @Marcus describes, but scales are definitely best if you are looking for precision.

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I don’t mind…I have plenty of scoops, and use scales anyway :slight_smile:

Scoops are way off the mark if you want to get accurate measurements with powder, so I actually splashed out on a pair of Salter digital scales just for Huel…and they cost about 12.00. they seem to be pretty accurate too.

Having said that a few grams either way is gonna make no real difference as far as I can see, your energy expenditure is never exactly the same every day…by a long shot.

Hi Jamie, I was similar to you and have lost 3 stone and feel amazing. My advice is to do it gradually or you will fall off the wagon. Get some dark chocolate to eat plus I would still eat a normal meal a day. Have a cheat day once a week and have a couple of slices of pizza every now and again. Don’t try and change your life in an instance but have a goal of having a different body in 6 months. You will stick with it then.

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Thank you all for the tips and encouragment

16ST 10LBS
BP down to 135/81.


Definitely. I’ve never been too bothered with exact calories from Huel, as I’m not looking to either lose or gain weight. I tend to just go by how I feel. If I’m hungry and need some more, I have some more. If I realise I’ve made too much, I put it in the fridge for later or the next day.

But if I had a specific goal for my Hue usage, I would definitely weigh it and track the calories more. I would also plan my calories for my evening meals. I don’t have much clue how many calories I’m having for my evening meals. It must be quite different for each meal.

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Look up the mathematical diet post on this forum. It has a linked spreadsheet that takes all the brainache out of it. Like you I’ve been doing 3 scoops, 3 times a day but I started a little taller and heavier. Lost three stone (ish) but struggling with the last 6-7 pounds. After about five months on Huel and the additional of gum to the unflavoured formula I’ve started slipping up in the evening sometimes and my one real meal a weekend policy effectively ended when we went on Holiday. Trying to get back into it but struggling, lacks taste and is just so thick I have to add a litre of water to three scopes (105 grams in my case).

The spreadsheet does add a certain plan to everything and for me more than a little “shame” which I need to stay on the straight and narrow.

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Weight now 16st 5lbs
Bp 135/90
And hopefully dropping a bit moe weight
Still on three scoops three times a day



Well done, good progress

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Morning all
Another update
Now down to two scoops 3 times a day
Weight 15st 13lbs
Feel like im down a moob size or two too
Back into some clothes ive never been in for years
Under 16st is a big one for me
Bp is 128/89 but that is due probably to the meds evening it out


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Forgive me, I’m certainly no expert, but wouldn’t eating less than 1000 calories per day (6 times 157 calories equalling 942) be both counterproductive and unhealthy? Your metabolism is going to slow right down, so your weight loss is going to slow right down too, and you won’t be getting enough nutrients to remain healthy. You’ll be crazy hungry all day and I suspect, if you keep it up for long, you’ll be running the risk of starting an eating disorder.