Tapioca and linamarin

Hi there,

Can please someone inform if the addiction of tapioca (based on the cassava root) adds any risk or allergy motive? Is there any residue of linamarin? How is the extraction process and amount existent in Huel v3.0?

Thanks in advance.

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One for @Dan_Huel
But they are all currently on holiday :slightly_smiling_face:
He will find out for you when he’s back I’m sure

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The cyanide in cassava root is only toxic when it’s eaten raw. Any cassava or tapioca flours are processed to remove harmful levels of cyanide - leaving them no more dangerous than eating normal servings of say, almonds or spinach. Huel uses Tapioca starch - the process of starch extraction results in total cyanogen removal and extraction involves different processing steps. The starch is extracted with large volumes of water with residues removed. In this way there is a complete hydrolysis of any cyanogenic glucosides.

BTW cyanogens are toxins not allergens although, granted, they can - if present - reduce the body’s capability to deal with other allergic reactions.

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Tapioca is not a major allergen.

Linamarin is a toxic compound found in raw cassava. Almost all of it is removed to produce tapioca but there may be tiny amounts that remain, which is not an issue.