Using Huel for 1 year and just diagnosed with Gout

This is getting silly!! Over and out!

Dammit James youā€™ve baited me into responding to him. :stuck_out_tongue:

Mmm I went away and looked into it and thereā€™s correlation as youā€™d expect:

But I still find it ridiculous to call cheese the number one cause of obesity.

Okay, thereā€™s a link between cheese consumption and the obesity crisis, but this is not just because of cheese as your statement above implies. What might be more accurate is the following:

ā€œThe number one cause of obesity is an overconsumption of calories in the developed world which is not being compensated for with sufficient exercise. The prominence of cheese in the diet can be seen as contributory due to its high level of fat and therefore its caloric density.ā€

If we look at global cheese consumption, France sits in #1 position, yet is no where to be found in the top 20 countries with the highest levels of obesity.

I appreciate youā€™ve got beef (pardon the pun) with the dairy industry, but coming out with nonsense statistics is no way of penalising them.


Actually, weight loss is the main trigger for me, someone who has experienced severe gout on and off for years. Anyway, I am new to Huel, and have been experiencing joint pain I would refer to as gout. It actually starts on one side and walks / progresses to the other in a very orderly predictive way. Butā€¦ I started Huel with 3 scoops once a day - breakfast replacement. No gout. I reduced to 2 scoops and occasionally missed breakfast altogether. Boomā€¦ Gout. I started losing weight. So, I am content to test Huel as I work toward a stable preferred weight. I am willing to bet most gout flares are related to losing a few pounds. Just a note, I am an older guy with heart issues. The worst experience of gout came from a blood thinner called Brilinta. Imagine every joint in your bodyā€¦ every one flaring up with gout at the same timeā€¦crippling!

Hello everyone! Stumbled upon this thread and read through it. Certainly full of opinions, which Iā€™m not criticizingā€¦Iā€™ve studied nutrition a lot and definitely some excellent comments on here, as well as some that are quite questionableā€¦
Like Huel so far, and itā€™s vegetarian approach. Iā€™m gonna share my 2 cents but Iā€™m not claiming Iā€™m right and anyone that disagrees is wrongā€¦I do know nutrition is batted around as much as the word ā€œscienceā€ lately.
There are many healthy eating options, and I do believe there is no such thing as ā€œ1 size fits allā€ā€¦

Unfortunately, in many peopleā€™s desires to get healthy, lose or gain weight, etc, some will find a path that starts delivering on their expectations, and they often think theyā€™ve found the paradigm that is the benchmark for all other dietsā€¦That is simply not accurate. Throughout history, humankind has eaten exceptionally varied diets, in particular indigenous diets suited to their genetics and locale in the world.

While a 1 size fits all approach to basics is likely good, beyond that, itā€™s not that simpleā€¦Let me state a few points here:

  1. Vegetables are generally good for most people and is generally recommended in sufficient quantities
  2. Fruits are good in their whole states, and should be eaten moderately
  3. Protein is critical to health, but not in large quantities, and depends a lot upon the amount of physical activity in an individual
  4. Healthy fats are critical as well and should be cold pressed if vegetable/seed based, and most should not be heated, except for those with high smoke points,
  5. Saturated fats are healthy and needed in moderate quantities
  6. Polyunsaturated fats should be limited and never heated nor consumed highly processed
  7. Water, the universal solvent, is critical to life and health
  8. Strict veganism and true vegetarianism will lead to several nutritional deficiencies over a long period of time, in particular b-12
  9. Caloric intake amounts and times are crucial to weight maintenance and health
  10. Dairy is best consumed from a fermented state
  11. Red meat is not the killer some advocate
  12. The human digestive tract strongly suggests humans are omnivorous
  13. Exercise consistency is critical
  14. Sound sleep is critical
  15. Stress management is crucial
  16. Fasting 1 day a week is likely one of the healthiest practices to employ in oneā€™s nutrition programā€¦

There are so many differing books and authors, and designated experts that itā€™s mind-boggling to sort through it allā€¦

My hope is those that become evangelistic about their nutritional beliefs take the time to read scientific based counter points to their beliefsā€¦In life, balance appears to be the key, and extremism seems to harm much more than bring good lasting efficacyā€¦

An old but excellent read on diet is Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Dr. Weston Price. You can get the paperback on Amazon. He spent his own money and visited indigenous peoples in their own environments and conducted detailed diet and lifestyle practices of these varied peoples, and he was quite surprised at what the studies showedā€¦He took copious notes and then went back and tried what he learned on sickly orphansā€¦Interesting results!

Why that book? Because he was not sponsored by any company to prove or disprove their products, he actually conducted sound studies to merely find the truth, whatever it was, he actually believed there was somewhere in the world where pure vegetarians would be healthy and show no early signs of physical degeneration, especially amongst the Pacific islands due to the rich volcanic soil, and shockingly to him, did not find oneā€¦He found that butter from grass fed cows was exceptionally health promoting, and so is cod liver oil. Decide for yourselves if your interested, if not no worriesā€¦

Also, look at the facts, not the talking pointsā€¦Search the Blue Zones across the world and read about their lifestyles and diets, these are the areas across the world where lives the highest numbers of centenarians Per capita, in the worldā€¦As well as the least sicklyā€¦Look at their dietsā€¦Decide for yourselvesā€¦


I started huel 2 mo ths ago. 2 weeks ago my gout started back up. I will finish this delivery and keep you posted on what is happening. I drink 5 a day premixed plus a peice of chicken at dinner. I have been so happy with the huel reults. I will be very disappointed if it is a gout triggerer.

there is a good article here on Gout and Huel that may help you chose the right one for you if indeed they are suitable.

Depending on how the chicken is prepared and which part of the chicken the meat is from, it may in fact be the ā€œtriggerā€. Particularly if you started having a piece of chicken every day at the same time as starting Huel (e.g. if you went from occasionally having chicken as part of a varied diet, to consuming it every day).

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