I’m on day 28 of using Huel, yesterday was my first 100% Huel day, up 'til then I’ve been having 2 Huel meals and then some ‘normal’ food for the other meal. I was around London all day yesterday and rather than paying for a salad in Pret or similar I stuck with Huel.
So far, in these 4 weeks I am a stone lighter than when I started (I’m 5’9 and was/am a lot heavier than I want to be). Using the calculators I need about 9 scoops per day to lose 1lb a week. Yesterday I had 7 scoops (3 for breakfast then two more 2 scoop meals during the day). Having any more would really have been forcing it down for the sake of it, not something I wanted to do.
Since starting with Huel my daily calorie intake has been between 1100 and 1500 per day - I’ve not worked out the average yet. But the biggest revelation I’ve had so far is absolutely no desire to snack on sweet stuff - if I’ve had the munchies an apple or some sugar snap peas has hit the spot. This even on days when I’ve given myself permission to eat ‘normally’. I have also been taking a daily multivitamin as I’m nowhere near hitting the 2000kcal per day complete nutrition levels.
I’m not sure if this is still the zeal of the newly converted or a genuinely long term thing. Obviously I hope it’s the latter, but so far I am loving this stuff.
There is more I could say about my experiences and thoughts as a long term fat bird, but I’ll stop here for now.