What do you want to read about?

Nice idea. Will put in the suggestion! Seems a few here would be interested too.

I see what you mean, something about the nutrients required for pre/during/post exercise and how Huel compares to traditional solutions.

Love this idea. We did a couple of articles recently like this, these were pretty low key and could be done better. What would you want to see improved/changed here? Are we answering the questions you have about the team here?

Also, in the meantime checkout a few podcasts Julian did which talk more about origin story

Great idea, we can definitely tackle some stuff about age-related factors. Huel is for everyone so getting some specific information out there for different age groups should be useful.

Means a lot, thank you! @JamesCollier, @Dan_Huel and @RebeccaOfficialHuel but tons of effort and research into them.

Go for it dude, you have my word I won’t ban you for it :policeman:

Thanks so much all, keep them coming. :blush:


Hadn’t seen that one; and I am not sure how I would access it, besides your direct link.

As for the podcasts, thank you, I had listened to the Startup Microdose one; and I thought it was brilliant (partially the idea was born from here). However, as this is not a direct Huel article, I thought people might not have access to them.

I will check the other one, asap.

I guess it was more Huel behind the scenes, what I was looking for, as well as how Huel was born (curious after seeing the 4 year anniversary with the 10 originals).

I nominate @hunzas to go to the Huel HQ and spend the day filming what goes on there and interviewing some staff. Then we can all watch it on here :smiley:


As long as he dresses like his profile pic :stuck_out_tongue:


But what about the busy professionals who still unnecessarily bring tubs of chicken, brocoli and rice to work because it helps the gains? I’m not saying to portray it as a supplement, just emphasise the fact that this stuff is gains fuel!

I always thought an area of the forum for training programs, tips, exercise advice etc would be good.

Combining that into article with James’ bodybuilding experience would be refreshing for sure. :slight_smile:

We’ve thought about this. An article on how Huel could be incorporated into a gym-goers lifestyle might be an idea.

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I would like an exercise routine for normal healthy people that does not exercise frequently

Lol I will have to try that as I often go to the gym straight from work and starving when I come out, then drive past the takeaways and smell the lovely different foods. I have been known to stop for a Pizza a few times coming from the gym. It’s bad enough if I stop at the petrol station on the way home and resisting buying a load of snacks :joy:

Pay at pump must be killing petrol station snack purchases!

Hmm ok. I’m not sold on having exercise guides on the site. Feels like one step beyond linking regular nutrition with post-exercise nutrition, but thanks for the +1, will see if anyone else is interested.

Also, we sent live an article on Common Nutrition Myths recently that you guys might be interested in reading. You might have already got an email/seen it on Instagram.

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Recent research seems to disprove myth 2 on your list:
Plus this seems to ignore the huge amounts of recent research on time restricted eating and intermittent fasting.

Huel is not a fitness company. I’m sure there are hundreds of guides written by fitness companies or fitness instructors / PT’s on the internet if you searched for some. You’ve already told us in previous threads you can’t really be bothered to exercise and find going to the gym too much effort.


@Coup I think what @airiartev means is an exercise routine that does not involve too much (any) exercise


Breathing is exercise… the lungs get a great workout. And the oxygen travels to all the muscles. Therefore it is exercise-less exercise.
@airiartev will be pleased to know you can practise it sitting down. Or lying down. Or while sleeping


@Bee @Coup

I mean that yes. Like 5 complete exercise to do everyday, specially designed for office boys like me.

I will start the gym on the 12th of august its time to get fit like Machoke

@christinat I am waiting to receive that exercise table to do while lying down

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@Coup, @Bee and @ChristinaT, enough thanks. Play nice. It was a legit question.

Just a friendly bit of ribbing @Tim_Huel

It was a legit answer @Tim_Huel
I’m a Yoga therapist
Breathing is an excellent exercise
It benefits the body, the mind, the nervous system.
I have plenty students who genuinely want a practise that doesn’t involve physical exertion.
Pranayama can improve muscle strength and cardiac fitness even when practised lying down.
The sleeping bit was a joke. But was there really to highlight the difference between the conscious and unconscious breath…


I used to do yoga for several years. No joking around. Was great

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@airiartev you could always ask a yoga teacher in your area to put together a personal practice for you. A simple 20-30minute daily routine tailored specifically to your requirements.
It seems you’re asking for something generic, but no matter what kind of exercise you are looking at, there is no ‘typical’ or ‘average’ person. We are all unique and have different bodies, different strengths and weaknesses, different lifestyles, and different goals.

Alternatively, a personal trainer at your local gym could give you a straight forwards full body workout which you could do 3 times a week.

If you just want to improve your overall fitness, strength and mobility then you can pretty much pick any physical activity you fancy.
Maybe choose something fun that you will enjoy doing.
Or something you can practise at home no matter the weather or how busy you are.


Personally I would like to see a comparison of someone similar to me ie ‘travelling salesman’ and a huel diet Vs what is normally ate by this demographic. Not just nutritionally but environmentally too. Ie number of calories per meal and nutritional info, plastic usage in grams per meal, etc.

I have seen a lot of negative discussions regarding huel using plastic, rtd, etc, but what happens when you compare this to the large group of people huel is aimed at. Typical breakfast for me would have been bacon sandwich on a train, followed by lunch consisting of a sandwich, chocolate bar or sweets, bag of crisps and a bottle of some fizzy drink. Then dinner is a meal in a hotel restaurant.

Whilst I’m as anti-plastic as the next person, let’s take the discussion to the reality of what some of us actually eat, the poor nutrition we really get and the detrimental impact this has on the world. Yes huel could be in a dissolvable sachet that we put under out tongues but it’s not. Is it nutritionally better for us than the normal crap we eat, for me a resounding yes. Is my environmental impact lower than it was before having huel as a major constituent of my diet… Again resoundingly yes. I don’t throw food away at all, my plastic consumption is less, my fridge uses less energy and I’m not driving to and from the supermarket.

I would love to see either a study on this or a hypothetical analysis based on huel versus my typical diet. There is a large demographic of people who don’t eat well and don’t have the time to when working away from home. Since starting huel I have lost weight, have more time during the day and end up in the gym or other sporting activities filling that time. I don’t stress eat or emotionally eat (much) anymore, plus my taste buds have completely changed with less sugar and salt in my diet than before that I crave healthier foods now by default.

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