Which Huel Powder to buy?


I am both Type 2 diabetic and have IBS. They are very recent diagnoses. As I haven’t been to my gym sessions for quite some time due to lockdown and then other health issues (fixed) I have gained a ridiculous amount of weight. Carb addiction! My daily workouts and twice weekly PT sessions are now starting again so I need to deal with my food intake too.

I’m not sure whether the Black or the Powder would be best for me. Both are perfect for the sugar content. I will be taking 800 cals of it per day and no other food. I’ve done this successfully before for around 8 weeks to shed initial weight. I’ll add food after the 8 week point. I can no longer use my previous brand due to one of the ingredients.

So I need weight loss, low sugar, low carb, high protein and no maltodextrin.

Can you advise?
Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

p.s. I’m a 60 year old female, retired, bike/treadmill/rowing machine/punchbag 1hr daily at home and weightlifting/resistance training twice a week with a PT. Apart from that I’m pretty much on my backside watching TV.

Hello June

I think you would be better off with the Black Edition, however 800 kcal a day is a big defectit and isn’t nutritionally complete. So I would definitely look at supplementing this with other healthy food. you will lose weight if you are in a calorie defecit whatever that is - and if you are exercising too, this will help this but also means you need to ensure your body has enough energy reserves.


Thank you for that quick reply Phil!

I guessed that would be the response about my drastic calorie reduction lol. I needed to be honest though as to what my intentions are. No other food in the house = no temptation. So it will help me mentally to start this way. I can order the bars and meals if it gets too difficult.

Great, I’ll order the black then in a few flavours :+1:

my main concern with the defecit June, was it causing troughs and spikes in your blood sugars with your diabetes - so please keep a careful eye on that as you go :slight_smile:

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Thanks again Phil, I’ll certainly do that. If I can drop the first lot of weight quickly then I hope to get the diabetes into remission with no need for meds. I also reckon the IBS was brought on by the diabetes meds so hopefully this will be a win win situation :crossed_fingers:

I’ll get my order placed and report back in weekly which may be of help to anyone else in a similar situation. I’ll be the guinea pig :grimacing:

Hi June, welcome to Huel.

It does sound like Black Edition would be best for you. However, please don’t follow an 800kcal liquid diet without doctor/dietitian supervision.

If you’re looking to do it on your own check out these two articles here and here to help get you started.

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Regular Huel scratches my gut if I rely on it exclusively–it’s good for travel but not for everyday.
Huel Black I just bought and I’m going to try it out.
Hot & Savory I can eat basically all the time with no food discomfort, provided I avoid the particular spice (turmeric) that my body doesn’t tolerate.
I’m 53 and GERD, not IBS. Obese and blood sugar a bit off, but not diabetic. I’m kicking up my workouts this month so I’ll be cheering you on. (I’m on Adidas Running, if anyone wants to add me, Barbara Fuentes with the Icarus in my icon)

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Thank you Dan. I know it’s not ideal but it’s something that has worked for me in the past (with another brand). It’s only for the first 8 weeks and I know it won’t be easy. My PT knows what I’m doing and will keep an eye on me, although he’s not happy either.

I’ll go read those articles you linked to above.

Thanks again :+1:

Hi Barbara

Thanks so much for your message.

That’s good to know about the Regular. I’ve also decided on the Black and can’t wait to get started. I’ll add in the hot food on week 9 and probably the bars too. I guess it will be trial and error to see what my stomach can tolerate. I’ll definitely stick to the Huel brand though as the ingredients and macros are great.

Good luck with your increased work outs and I’ll go take a look at Adidas Running now.


No problem at all June! I would say if you’re tried it in the past and you’re trying it again then it hasn’t worked so please consider a different route to weight loss.


I buy the regular, white bags. I use the Protein snack powder 3 times a day and after a difficult workout, Cycling.

I have a shake for breakfast, Caffe Latte and one shake or HS for dinner and a regular lunch.

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Thanks Bill. That sounds like a longer term plan for me going forward in the future :facepunch:

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