Zero waste - Returning packaging for reuse

at the moment - as far as I’m aware - the only way to reclaim materials from MLP’s is by specialised chemcycling and I don’t think any such facilities exist in the UK as yet.

So……if they can’t be separated then combining the MLP with additional plastics such as old garden furniture, dustbins etc which won’t be recycled due the UV damage is a possibility. The finished item would not be recyclable but if would have a better purpose then landfill.

TBH - I really don’t know the logistics of combining shredded MLP material with other plastics but I do recall Huel saying they are working on new solutions and in their 2020 sustainability report, they roadmapped replacing current MLP’s with 100% recyclable pouches by 2025.

Combining different plastics is possible. If you’re interested then look at Precious Plastic who provide loads of open source info on recycling for free. In the meantime I might pursue the possibility or using the pouches as additional material and see how it goes.
I really need to find that Hueligan who has been using Huel for 57.5 years and has a pallet of 6000 pouches :joy:

lots of practical options - especially for the fashion conscious :slight_smile:

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Any update on this? Is it okay to return the bags to super markets now where they recycle soft plastics or is not the right type?

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I remember hearing ages ago that they were working on the packaging being 100% recyclable - how’s that all going?