Hello! My background and plans for Huel

@Richie yes we want to be gluten free. However, gluten oats are about three times the price. As only about 1% of the population have an reaction to gluten it didn’t make sense to make Huel more expensive for 99% of population who gluten doesn’t affect.

However, once we get to scale we should be able to buy gluten free oats at a more realistic price and then we will make the switch.


That’s what I thought you’d say Julian tbh and that is the reason I gave the people who asked!

I am still using Huel at 300-400g daily and it is working perfectly. I love this stuff and couldn’t be without it now.

Awesome product guys.


I have just Re ordered and wanted to say thanks for sending the shaker to replace the old one, much appreciated. There was no scoop with this order though so I would consider adding one to each order if it is possible or being able to purchase one with an order on your site would be a cost free benefit to you guys imo.

I am using huel almost exclusively now and everything is going well. I am struggling to get enough calories in with huel only at the minute but I am feeling good. My body is getting leaner just from the calories I am consuming I think so it’s all good.

I am using 550ml chilled filtered water with 100g of huel per meal, 4x per day. I still love the taste of it and just hope it is always available to buy as it has been life changing for me in a very positive way. I am no longer having bad GI issues. I very rarely have any problems now and if I do it is when I eat something I know could set it off. I should just stick to huel!

Thanks again for the product. Still a huge thumbs up.

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