Adding salt to Huel, to replace that lost in sweat

I’m doing it, should I? It’s ridiculously hot in the UK this week and I’ve always found in past summers I feel better if I have a bag of crisps or two on hot days, obviously along with water. I’m aware that dehydration treatments are mostly salt. But I’m no nutritionist, I’d be interested to hear experts weigh in.

P.s it tastes fine, just saltier, only adding a pinch to two shakes a day.

Cheers, Tom

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Absolutely fine. If you feel better consuming salt, then definitely do so! The salt content in Huel is still very low, so even adding more you’re unlikely to consume more than you need.

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I tried adding a little bit of salt to Huel ages ago and it actually worked quite well. It still tasted good.


I might try this as I’m really struggling with dehydration even when it’s not hot. I’m drinking 3-5 litres of water but salt may be the answer.

Just remember that v2.0 of Huel contains more salt!