Always powdery and usually lumpy

I need some tips for mixing my Huel drink.

I have discovered that it’s always best if I make it the night before. It lets the lumps dissolve.

But I can’t figure out a way of making it less powdery. I put 700ml of milk in it. I find the more liquid the less powdery it is. Firstly I mix a little milk in with 2 scoops of Huel to smooth out any lumps then fill it up to 700ml. I shake vigorously and leave in fridge overnight. But still it comes out really powdery. I find it really unpleasant to drink.

Have you tried it with water. I like 250ml per scoop (50g).
Milk makes it too thick I find.

I don’t find it tastes powdery at all, but I have never drunk it with dairy milk. I also make mine the night before. You say you mix a little milk with two scoops. I’m not sure if it will make a difference but try say 400ml with 2 scoops and then after vigorous shaking top up with other 300ml and shake. I only use 500ml water with 2 scoops, but use 400ml water and Huel, shake then add final 100ml and it works for me.

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I have tried it with water and I didn’t like it. I will try your mixing suggestions though

The only time I’ve ever had any issues with mixing Huel was when I tried putting the powder in first and then the liquid (yes I KNOW literally everyone says not to do that but I’ve got a rebellious streak that insisted I try it to prove everyone wrong - obviously I didn’t and it was a disaster…shut up!) I’m thinking that won’t process of mixing it into a paste with a little milk is causing your ‘powdery‘ problems.

This sounds really dumb but perhaps you’re just not shaking it hard enough? I’ve never had any lumps when I put 500ml of water (or milk) in a shaker then 90/100g on top and shake for 10 seconds but you do need to put some elbow grease in!

I only tried the mixing powder with a little milk first out of desperation. Tried every little trick that I could think of. I shake it for as long as I can manage, then I get my husband to shake it too. Tried mixing it in blender. Tried making it the night before so power can dissolve more. Tried it with water, tried it with milk and it’s time it’s grainy, powdery and unpleasant to drink

Hi Thora,

I have been using Huel for only 2 weeks and I’m happy so far. If you manually shake it it does always seem to have a powdery nature so I opt for the blender where I can. However, I have found you need to blend for a bit, at least 20 seconds.

Sorry to hear this @Thora. It sounds like you’ve tried a lot but also have some other great tips too from the Hueligans here.

The plant-based proteins can be powdery if you aren’t used to them. What flavourings have you tried with your Huel other than milk? Might be worth using some of the Flavour Boosts we have and seeing which ones you like (I love chocolate!). Or, if you were blending anyway, you could blend you Huel with some berries and that may mask the powder flavour.

Let us know how you get along!