Any plans for Vegan biltong/jerky?

I’ve tried the veggie ones at grocery stores, not that good to me and nutrition meh. If it had decent protein/ carbs ratio and tasted meh I’d eat it for the nutrition alone.
I mainly eat animal protein in form of biltong - easy, open, eat, nothing to wash.
I’ve ordered the new protein snack in hopes it will replace meat for me, even with a whole other item to wash :laughing:

Has a biltong like product been bandied about for ideas for future products?


Yum. I’d buy it

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Ah, this idea hasn’t been bandied round but it should be. Already sent it to the NPD team. I like bilton/jerky but I do find it so chewy. Takes an age to chomp through, but I imagine a vegan one would actually be a little less chewy perhaps. Definitely keen for more nutritionally complete high protein snacks. I like biltong on long runs as an alternative to the normal sweet stuff.


I’d get it in Banana flavor, day 1.

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I’ve never tried meat jerky but vegan ones out there vary. Some are very chewy, others not so; I prefer them chewy.

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It is a good chew, it satisfies the chewing urge consuming mainly huel shakes plus protein.

Could you mention to NPD, no sucralose or yeast extract. Sucralose for those of us that get weapons grade gas, and yeast cos I’m allergic. If you’re not allergic, you won’t miss it. There’s a few meat biltong that don’t have yeast extract (cheap flavour enhancer and preservative) so surely a vegan one could be made.