I guess this is probebly aimed at james@Huel.
I am formally diagnosed with High Functioning Autism (Aspergers), mild ADHD, Ultra ultra rapid mood cycling, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and related Anxiety and Depression. I have been able to have a successful career due to my resilient personality and medication which is Citalopram 10mg and Lamotrogine 200mg. My diagnosis and ongoing treatment plan is with one of the leading experts in the world in this specialist area at The Priory hospital. I have no other medical problems, have followed a reasonable diet although I suspect I had too much sugar, regularly take a multi vitamins and Omega 3 etc. For the last 2 years I have largely removed Gluten from my diet, this may have had a small effect in concentration and energy levels. Over the last year I have put on weigh reaching 21% body fat. My stats on 2nd January were 5.6F and 67Kg with 21% body fat. Until 3 years ago I was regular runner (distance and speed) although currently my level of fitness is relatively poor. I have low blood pressure (not unhealthy) and a healthy heart rate. I am 41 years old. Friend and collegues would be described me as a smart friendly and qwerky individual. I do not suffer from from known allergies or Asthma
New Year Goals
In order to reach a target weight of roughly 12% body fat and start running again I moved onto a 100% Huel diet on 2nd January 2017 with both powder and bars. I have allowed myself to have as much as I wanted without feeling hungry and this has settled at at a pretty low level of 150grams per day plus 2 bars. My energy levels, mood, motivation, concentration levels etc have improved significantly. To date my weight has reduced to 61Kg. and 16% body fat.
A long standing problem
For as long as I can remember (say ages 8 and above) I have suffered form severe and uncontrollable biting of the skin on my hands. This has left my hands looking disfigured and often bleeding. I have hated doing this and have been unable to stop despite trying many times. The problem has previously temporarily reduced significantly when starting a medication such as Citalopram.
A strange but amazing occurance
A couple of days after starting my 100% Huel diet the hand biting has stopped completely - for the first time in my life. As far as I am aware nothing else has changed in my life apart from 100% Huel diet. I thought I would seek opinion on here before discussing with my consultant (very expensive) at The Priory. I think my concentration may have improved although I can’t quantify this.
What the heck is going on?
I will be super grateful for a response an insight into this life changing situation.
Obsessive compulsive difficulties. I believe this is different to OCD
I have previously taken the following supplements with no noticeable effect:
Choline, Inositol, Iron, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, MultiVitamin, Magnesium, Omega 3 EPA/DHA. All have been at the high level of advisable maximum doses.
I have milk in tea and have experimented with Goats milk and Lactose Free Milk.
Lamotrogine has had a massive effect on stabilising mood and almost eliminating anxiety and depression.