I think I’m going to order some flavour boosts, I don’t normally use them but I think it will definitely help. And I love chocolate and also mint so that would be a good start James
On a lighter note, I had a You have a memory notice come up on my I phone earlier and it was the 3 photos I had taken last Sunday as proof and to send to the shipping company who I had sailed with. It brought it all back again, even I had to laugh at that.
It was one of the most embarrassing things I’ve done…I am still friends with them, but vegans are renowned for checking all the ingredients of everything…even if it is marked vegan…and I still made a mistake.
That’s so true, something can actually say on the front suitable for vegans and I will still read all the ingredients. Just in case they have made a mistake lol. Glad you still friends.
It may seem nothing to you but to me it was a big deal. I’m Vegan for ethical reasons and as a Vegan I’m doing more for this planet and the people on it than many other people so don’t come the other people are worse off than me bullshit. Contaminating someone’s food is disgusting and unacceptable and as a big user of huel shared my experience with others on here who have been helpful. You know sod all about me and the fact it upset me means it was a big deal to me. You are obviously not a Vegan as if you were you would not be so bloody ignorant. I’ve also been a truck driver for 30 years. I’m not on Facebook/Twitter/or instagram anymore and very rarely post on here and with people like you on public forums it reiterates why I stay off them.
that’s not true, bro.
Suggest you Google ‘meat allergy’
He obviously didn’t do that or he wouldn’t have come out with such rubbish.
As a side note I use the search engine ecosia instead of google. It’s an app like google but a not for profit German company. Advertising revenue goes to planting trees all around the world especially third world countries helping the economy and the people. I think they have planted around 40 million trees so far and it works for me fine with any searches I make.
The more people use it the more trees they can plant
Isn’t Google supposed to be more green than Ecosia/Bing?
To be honest i hadn’t heard that so I maybe need to do some more research on it. The thought of planting trees from the profits and helping people/communities and the planet all around the world appealed to me. What makes you think that ? I’m interested as we can never have too much knowledge
Well It’s a very complex subject and I thank you for making the point. I’ve read up a bit and I’m now confused so will have to research some more. From what I’ve read so far Google are making strides definitely in the right direction as far as green credentials go.
Here for the benefit of @g1bsHu3lpl0x is a timely article from the Gruniad today about meat allergy: https://www.theguardian.com/news/2018/dec/11/mysterious-allergy-to-meat-alpha-gal-lone-star-tick?fbclid=IwAR0reAIbXw0FqI4RiT7fVUICAM_jTMo8oP2FpweQt7RJxgIWR8iMnz1skTA
I’m bloody appalled at their behaviour. I sincerely hope you get suitable redress on this. Far from it being “lads being lads” it was lads being totally irresponsible, cruel and, I would have thought, criminal. They have no idea what allergies you might have or what medical conditions you might have that would preclude eating a particular food. Not an hour since I had a grocery delivery and refused a substitute item because it contained too much white rice - something my diabetes says “no” to.
I can understand your distress at having consumed meat: I was a vegetarian for years until I started HIV medication: the first available drug wasn’t vegetarian… For you, I would say that the intent wasn’t there, even if it happened, so please don’t beat yourself up about it.
Hope you recover well from this abusive bullying behaviour…
Many years ago my Dads Aunt and Uncle who were very strict vegetarians (possible vegan by today’s standards) visited my parents …
Dad did his best to warn Mum what to avoid cooking … and
All went well until they spotted the plates they had a print on each one of them.
It was a series of hunting scenes !
(Quite trendy in the late 70’s I hear ?)
It was never mentioned BUT I’m certain it didn’t go down too well. !!!
My grandparents used to have hunting prints on all their plates too…but then again they were members of the local hunt…my grandad was a horse breaker too, and worked with warhorses. Farmer too. Quite a cruel chap.
They wondered why I was a vegan hunt sab…where did it all go wrong eh?
This comment is wrong on several levels. It is unhelpful and borderline insulting. Kudos to the OP for being so civil about it.
I will give you credit though for trying to put the events into perspective.
That’s horrible. I can understand why youre put off huel now.
If you want to get back into it isuggest diluting it a lot with soy or almond milk and adding fruit.
Add very little huel, so the first thing you smell is either the milk or fruit and can barely taste the huel. As you get used to it again you can start adding more huel until youre back on your normal amount.
Unfortunately people like that will always exist, but dont let it go. Im glad the company is taking it serious since no one should think its ok to mess with peoples food and get away with it.
Hope you get to enjoy huel again soon.
Heavy… thanks for sharing
Thank you for your reply, it is very helpful.
I am happy to say I have managed to move on and am back enjoying my huel again.
Unfortunately their are some very stupid people around.
Their company bosses were made aware of what happened so their may have been some sort of redress at least.
Yes you are correct in what you say.
I always say that being Vegan does in no way make me perfect. It means to me exactly what is quoted.
I try as hard as possible in every way possible.