Awful humans violate my Huel

Being a continental truck driver I was on a long boat crossing from U.K. to Scandinavia 27 hours. It is a freighter with only 8 accompanied trucks. We have our own little dining room and tv area and own cabins. Anyway I always take my huel although the chef normally does me a Vegan salad. So last Saturday on the boat were 5 drivers who all knew each other. I put 3 huel shakes in the fridge but didn’t have any so took them back to truck when we got off Sunday. Upon drinking one or part of it on Sunday night I thought it tasted strange and it had a funny smell so I opened it only to realise that one of or all of the 5 drivers had contaminated it with pieces of sliced ham either for a joke or for whatever reason knowing they were my shakes and knowing I’m a Vegan as they all watched me put them in the fridge and heard me tell the chef I was Vegan. What sort of low life’s do such a thing. I felt physically sick not having touched meat for 23 years. I felt violated and so angry. If I had realised on the boat what they had done it doesn’t bare thinking about. What if I had an allergy to animal products. The ferry company are investigating and have taken it very seriously.
Now I am really struggling to have any huel as the taste and smell of having drunk an amount with processed ham pieces in makes me gag just thinking about it. I’m gutted that I’ve consumed meat after being such a passionate Vegan. I know the huel I make now is the same as the huel I’ve enjoyed for 2 and half years now but this has really affected me in so many ways. I have to deal with the anger of there being such spiteful humans on this planet. Any suggestions on how I can enjoy the taste of huel again and put this experience out of the way would be appreciated. Sorry long post :slightly_smiling_face:


Oh what a horrible experience for you, Kevin. Whoever played this nasty trick on you obviously has a brain the size of a peanut. I can well understand your anger at what was an infantile and potentially dangerous act, but please don’t feel guilt for having consumed animal meat through no fault of your own. A very unpleasant memory indeed but I would try to imagine, if you are able, that every sip of unadulterated Huel is washing this nastiness right out of your system and filling you with the strength and determination to start over.


Thank you for your kind words Bee.
Yes that’s a good idea I’ll try to look at it with a positive take on it.
Yes a truly horrible experience perpetrated by horrible people.
Let’s hope our paths cross again I do love Karma :+1:


This sort of thing is typical “lads” mentality. Tampering with peoples food, drink, clothes or possessions for practical jokes has gone on for years and will go on for many more years.

I agree you should be able to leave food in the fridge and expect it to be safe, but given you were surrounded by truck drivers who are alone a lot of the time I think it was quite naive of you to assume your Huel would be safe from any jokes.

I don’t believe there was any malice behind their intentions, they just wanted to play a practical joke on you. A sick one I agree and a joke I would not have played, but in the future you need to protect yourself as much as you can by not leaving your possessions vulnerable. I don’t really understand why you made up 3 and stored them all in the fridge. You could have just made them up as and when and then you wouldn’t have exposed yourself like this.

I am not saying you are to blame, but you do need to be wiser in the future and not leave the opportunity there in the first place especially considering the environment you were in.


I don’t think you should expect to have your food tampered with Kevin, that’s harsh what your fellow drivers did… Messing with someone else’s stuff in a communal fridge is not on at all & it’s even worse to contaminate a vegan’s food with meat! I’d have been raging, I’m sure you were at the time!!

Getting new/different shakers to drink your huel out of might help you to dissociate what happened with drinking huel now… They’d be less ‘tainted’… Not sure if you flavour your huel at all but maybe try something different so it’s not the same taste as before, which you can still taste meat in… A completely new flavour might help you get over the aftertaste that’s lingering but only in your mind!

Dirty trick they played on you tho & you shouldn’t have to put up with it! I’d be thinking how you can get them back… Or just let karma do the work, as you say… :blush:

I understand where you are coming from.
The truck drivers in question were pulling fridges with hanging meat so this may have explained the mentality. They were also drinking on the Saturday night when I went to my cabin. Naive possibly but they and me are on the boat quite regular though I had not seen them before and it is quite a small cosy set up. I think it was either a pissed up prank but a stupid one or it was malice knowing I’m Vegan. All in all whatever the reason it is a pretty sick and possibly dangerous thing to do. The ferry company has emailed the owners of the companies involved and if they find who has done it will be banned from using their ships.
I made 3 up because I was going to possibly have them the next day and I always leave mine in the fridge as long as possible as I prefer them cold and creamy but the chef looked after me so took them back to the truck fridge when we got off. I was going to say I can’t believe anyone could do that but then humans never fail to surprise me. Thanks for your reply and I won’t be leaving my huel alone again.


Thank you Venusfly,
Yes I’ve already binned the shakers and just got two more so that will help. I think I may try a coffee flavoured one as that is probably as far away a taste I can think of.
I think I will have a few of them and it may help me put the thought and memory of ham flavoured huel out of my mind for good.
Thanks for good advice.


So sorry to hear this has happened to you, I understand how you feel. About 10 years ago I bought some veggie samosas from the deli counter in Sainsbury’s. When I bit into one it clearly had chicken pieces in. I felt physically sick, angry, upset, so many things. I had been veggie for over 20 years.The staff in Sainsbury’s offered me a £5 voucher!!! It took quite a while, but I now eat samosas again - altho not from Sainsbury’s or from any deli counter. I was always aware someone could contaminate my soya milk in the fridge at work too, as some people do seem to find this sort of thing funny. I’m sure that given time, you will feel better about drinking huel again and the memory and associated feelings will fade.

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Thank you Wendy,
Yes I’m just having the odd huel trying to get used to it again. I’m sure some people may think it’s not that big a deal but people who abstain from meat for ethical reasons it really is a big deal. I was a little surprised at just how much it did actually upset me. Not just the consumption of meat but also the fact that the choice was taken away from me by some extremely stupid and ignorant people. Another reason my love for animals and nice people grows even more and my dislike for some humans grows even more.
I’m sure as you say hopefully my love for huel will return completely and I can put it behind me.
I am very much looking forward to hopefully bumping into them again on the same ferry at some point :+1:

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Absolutely, I’ve been an ethical vegan since 1987 and in that time I have consumed meat twice…one of those was a samosa too, at Victoria coach station…one bite and I realised straight away while the other one was also from the chiller section and was a Chinese selection pack. Embarrassingly it was my own fault…because I was used to buying the vegan ones all the time and one day just picked up the incorrect pack. Worse still I gave some to another vegetarian. I noticed straight away too.


Something similar happened to me and what helped was looking at the reasons why you’re vegan in the first place.

I know it feels like such a violation, but in all honesty - very little happened apart from your winning streak being broken, and it wasn’t even your fault! It was just someone trying to wind you up without knowing how much this would affect you.

Move on from this attachment otherwise you’ll get yourself into a pickle.


Shit happens in life if we like it or not, we just got to put it behind us and move on and not dwell on things. Lads will be lads larking around, chucking away your shakers and getting new ones should do the trick for you. You will be enjoying Huel again in no time.


great advice…

Deep breaths. “Typical lads”?? Aresholes. This should not let you be put off of HUEL, maybe RTD will be an answer for you (though for me, as a mere private hire car driver) it’s hideously expensive. Even so, i can see a few advantages and this is one of them.
Every day, in every way, i am horrified by the behaviour of “lad mentality”. Hateful people.


Yes me too, I’ve got new shakers and am back on 2 x 4 scoop shakes a day, adding a coffee shot to my morning one. I’m getting over it and the sods won’t have the last laugh. Won’t be leaving any Huel unsupervised again.


Good for youk, Kevin :+1:


My Wife done the same with spring rolls John though she didn’t manage to pass on to anyone else luckily. Hope you still friends with them :open_mouth:

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… on that note. I was cold brewing coffee so i could add a shot or three - the new coffee Huel actually works for me, tastes good too - so i’ve Two pouches open at any one time… one new vanilla and one new coffee. Plus i use bars when i can afford them (they’re sealed!!). Note to self, must remember to buy new shaker.
I can’t imagine i will routinely use rtd but it does on the face of it have a number of advantages. Sealed. Doesn’t need refrigeration. Lasts six months minimum… i pre ordered some,

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Really horrible. Try a strong taste like the Mint-choc Flavour Boost.


It’s annoying and rude of them but currently there are hundreds of thousands of people globally fleeing for their lives, so things could be a lot worse mate. I’d recommend stopping complaining about other people on forums and start advocating for veganism or some similar cause. Also maybe do some CBT therapy as you are clearly very emotionally affected by bad experiences. I am surprised you have the resilience to be a truck driver, as it is a very hard job.

Also there are no known cases of allergies to meat.