The taste is growing on me. From my first sip, I was not offended by its taste or texture. I felt a bit unsure if I could consume so much of it but now I don’t think about the taste. That is a good thing.
I cannot drink my serving quickly. I opt for having one Huel a day. 100g and 500ml of water. Works for me. I take a mouth full, then go back for it minutes later. It takes me around 45 minutes to drink the serving I cannot understand why. In a way, I feel like drinking too much in one go would make me sick. As if it’s too much. I’m not too bothered about the time.
I keep it in a container with a lid so it follows me around and I drink it as I go.
Next, my appetite has changed. Again, is it me or is it the drink? I use HUEL for lunch only.
When I finish, I do feel like I’ve consumed a lot of cafienne but from what I can see there is no cafeinne in the powder?
I then have a few snacks and a meal in the evening which I struggle to eat all of.
My aim is to reduce how much I eat. Be in a maintainable deficit. So I should complain … not that I am!