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LOL. He’s already got a beef with us! At least, that’s what I herd…

Anyway, his post was a load of tripe. If he thinks it’ll get us going, he’s mis-steak-en :stuck_out_tongue:


Well Having herd about the beef, I might consort with Angus, perhaps he can think outside of the carton.

Besides his original post is just full of quark, I mean he certainly slaughtered the concepts of science, but ya know I suppose it could be more offal.

Butter yet you could also say it’s a load of bull, but perhaps that’s a bit below the rump. I wouldn’t want anyone thinking im being a jerky.

Got to Love ‘rare’ occasions like this :joy:

I bet anyone reading this would think we’re leathered.



I’d only had a couple of zero alcohol beers last night :stuck_out_tongue: But you’re right… we we’re talking bullocks.


You lot are all totally off your TROLLey. A supermarket trolley. In the milk aisle. And some milk has got spilled. Some beef has also fallen off the shelf and landed in the milk. And a member of staff has slipped over in the milk. It’s cows milk.

Am I doing this right?


Is this conversation really happening?

Well… we used up most of the bovine references already, so you were kind of forced to take things in a different direction. I like what you did with troll and trolley - pretty good, considering you were thinking on the hoof. And I enjoyed the slapstick element of the staff member slipping over in the milk. Let’s hope he / she didn’t damage a calf muscle…

My work here is done.

EDIT: I knew something was bothering me… What was the beef doing in the milk aisle? :confused:


“That’s a MOO point. It’s like a cow’s opinion, it doesn’t matter.”

  • Joey Tribbiani

Good point. I must have briefly gone BARKING mad.

What? We have to stick to cows? Why? In some parts of the world people eat dogs. Okay, so they don’t have big farms full of dogs eating grass, which they then get milk from, but this article suggests that pets might contribute to global warming: Are Your Pets Contributing to Global Warming?

I am not sure if your comment was a joke on the original topic or an insult to me. I suppose the first…

The first. He is continuing the long thread of cow puns.

(Although if you really are offended, no worries. I’m sure he will come back and butter you up.)


Oh oh, Marcus. Venus doesn’t sound too happy. I’d steer clear of her, if I was you…


God everyone don’t have a cow over it!

I’m so very sorry…

Don’t worry none of this is aimed at you, just the op :slight_smile: troll a troll and all that, didn’t want you to think we’re 'mince’ing you up in all this.

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Am I the only one finding the huge irony of bovine puns on the forum of a Vegan product hilarious?

Oh well I suppose us Brits know how to take a good rib-in.

Takes long hard look at the pet rabbit, while holding the casserole dish


Marks thread as not suitable for Vegans


Yes, Venus, we’re heifer so sorry if we upset you…

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At least you wanted to steer away from conflict, I mean Venus didn’t exactly seem amoosed!

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Sorry, I wasn’t trying to BULLy EWE. I was just joining in with the HORSING around.


I suppose that Polish sense of humor is quite different.
I am not offended, though I am not into classic Rpg and I am really bad at farming, so I am leaving climate trolls and cow talks, heading for other sections of the forums.

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Well none of its is aimed at you don’t worry :slight_smile:

The Polish humour might actually be a thing, I’ve got a friend who is Polish and sometimes she’ll look at me blankly at certain jokes, same would probably be true if I went to Poland for example, I’d be sat in the same scenario of not getting particular jokes, it’s fine.

Same story with a German Friend as well, he couldn’t get banter for years, he just thought we were all being cruel.

Interesting how humor is variable in different parts of the world.

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It is, in my case it took me a long while to get used to sicilians’ humor. Hilarious, once you realize they are joking.