Huel powder prepared warm

Hi, I’ve seen afew posts regarding mixing huel powders warm and it sounds like I would prefer this for texture and flavour (I’m thinking to add a little extra sweetener and maybe a bit of coffee)

Is there a definitive answer somewhere on how the heat may effect the nutritional values?

I plan not to use boiling water directly I’m thinking just cool enough to drink straight away.

Today was my first experience of huel powders after around six weeks of ready to drink one meal a day, I am stepping up to 2 meals a day.

I’d be surprised if there’s been lab tests for all nutrients at a range of temperatures. Seems like it’d be a mountain of work. Warm is sure to be better than hot tho’, that’s probably definitive.

But most important: how does it affect the taste?! Some might trade-off a bit of nutrition for a new sensation.

This has been discussed before a few times with some official replies from Huel’s nutrition team. If you use the search function I’m sure those threads will come up.

Hot huel is enough of a search term I believe rather than warm huel. Obviously it brings up hot and savoury too. But there plenty of posts about it.

there absolutely has - you can go down the google search rabbit hole to read them if you have a year or two to spare :slight_smile: long story short - short exposure to heat either with ‘boiled’ kettle water or a quick heat up in the microwave isn’t going to do much to them at all.


Thanks for the replies, I have seen some posts about heating usually just talk about preferences and texture etc and one mentioned that boiling water may cause some loss of vitamin c and effect proteins but no indication of how much it may be effected.

I had a go any way using caramel coffee powder I used 500ml of hot but not boiling water added a spoon of coffee and sweetener then two scoops of powder.

I found the texture was thicker and less gritty than cold mixing. I drank half hot as a snack replacement and then refrigerated the remaining half to try it cold in the morning.

Vitamin C is one of the ones that is damaged the most, but again, all of these test results are from exposure to sustained high temperatures - so adding some kettle ‘boiled’ water is not sustained heat as it begins cooling immediately. I had a quick look online and Vitamin C under sustained heat lost on average 13% after 5 minutes, 34% after 15 minutes and 58% after 30 minutes. There are many variables that affect that so you can only approximate.

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oh yeah, I meant by Huel in-house. tho’ for sure there’s no need anyway if one lab’s findings are the same as another’s. .

I’m afraid we haven’t tested with different heats to get the exact amount.

However our nutrition team have said providing the water isn’t boiling there should be minimal effect in the nutritional value.


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