I would like to add the following thoughts to the ideas you have already talked about in your video:
One of the intermittent fasting regimes might help you. For example, with a twenty-hour fasting window, if you set a goal for yourself to eat only between 4pm and 8pm, then it might be easier for you to avoid any cravings - you would be too full to snack because of your having to eat all your food/Huel within a relatively short period of time (e.g. one huge meal at 4pm). Works for me. Moreover, IF comes with its own set of health benefits which makes this solution even better.
For those of us with a sweet tooth, I noticed that I managed to completely eliminate sweets by replacing them with vanilla Huel mixed with milk / some milk alternative (most delicious cold, ideally with ice cubes
Staying up too long may be dangerous ;). IF with a late afternoon / evening eating window helps with this but does not make you immune
Being tempted by pizza every day at work and not overeating is just heroic - I do not think I could resist