Is Huel v2.2 too thick?

Not at all, it’s just right for me, quite thick but easily drinkable

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The thickness isn’t really the issue its the thickener.

They’ve switched to using something similar to a gelatin which turns the drink into some kind of elastic goop like a pudding.


I definitely feel that is thicker than ideal to be honest. A little thickness is good, but I feel that the current formula is slightly too much.

The problem is the horrible mixability

Nutritionally speaking, Huel is far superior to Soylent. More importantly though, why on earth should they refund you without receiving the product back? That’s not the way any other company operate - Soylent do because they have a much larger customer base so can afford to, and it’s still the wrong choice in many people’s minds. Huel is also more sustainable than Soylent due to the bulk packaging.

Also while we’re talking about getting a product right, let’s not forget that Soylent products have been infected with mould and caused extreme sickness in a non-negligible number of people - something Huel has not.


You evidently can build a customer base with their attitude to returns because they’ve sold over 6 million meals… I know it’s fun to complain sometimes, but you can’t seriously expect a small company to offer refunds and allow you to keep the product - that’s ludicrous. And Soylent were able to do so because they had millions in pre-orders from their kickstarter - pre-orders which took close to a year to actually be shipped.

I don’t even use Huel myself, I have no brand loyalty to them, but your complaint is ridiculous, and Huel are clearly doing fine. It’s not even like they’re refusing to refund you - they just want the product back so they don’t invite scammers to take advantage of them.