They might have moved on - but their victims still suffer today. As I said, hardly a trustworthy brand.
Of course they have their defenders, and there’s possibly some good people working for them. But do I want a big chunk the food supply of the human race in their greedy, grubby big mitts? I don’t think so.
OK, let’s take this slowly.
Billions = multiple billions, right?
There’s not far off 7 billion people on the planet right now, and we’re not all hungry! In fact, at any one time, there are around a billion people in the world who are suffering from hunger - and not all of them die, or are going to die!
GM foods have been available since the mid-1990s - let’s say 20 years, for ease. Now, the number of those dying from hunger has been climbing since the 1990s, since GM foods have been available, but let’s leave that to one side as some of that, at least, may be down to the overall growth in global population.
More interesting, around 36,000,000 will die from hunger this year. For now, let’s take this number as an annual number for the past 20 years, since GM foods have been available, and 20 x 36,000,000 = 720,000,000. Which is, without doubt, way too high, and also LESS than a single billion. And if hunger deaths have been climbing for the past 20 years, even that number will be too high as it takes a 20-year peak number of annual deaths. But that get’s a bit too detailed for our purposes here.
I know you can challenge any number, and we could trade links till the GM cows come home - but let’s not. The point is, your “billions” saved by GM is a massive exaggeration, and that’s the only point I wanted to make - for the benefit of others at least, even if you choose not to accept the obvious.