Is there a long term (more than a month) 100% Huel blood test from the latest Huel version?
Hey Dennis, no there isn’t. What would you like to find out?
After a break of a couple months, I’m eating Huel for 100% again, and I was wondering if there were any updated/recent long term 100% tests that users did, or if there are new results for people consuming Huel very long time 100%, such that we can understand better might there be any risks!
Got you. No there isn’t, there are a few people on the forum like @rikefrejut who have done 100% and can give you their personal experience. Justin on the US forum also recently kept a track of his bloodwork if you’re interested in that.
I can dig up some older blood work results for you. Is there anything specific you’re interested in?
Usually I have blood tests done regularly, but have been avoiding going to hospitals and test centers the past year or so for obvious reasons.
For me just in general as much data as possible + advice from doctors/experts on if something is risky (besides the by far overall positive effects) after long term full time use! I think for Huel themselves it’s also interesting to know, to improve their product even more
Awesome, thanks for that link to Justin’s results!