It's growing on me

I found that 2 scoops for breakfast (at about 7:30am) left me hungry by 11am. 3 scoops kept me going till lunch though I ended up having half at 7:30 and the rest about an hour later as I couldn’t down it all at once!

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Yes I had the same thing. I tried 2 scoops for breakfast and for lunch yesterday but I was kind of feeling hungry the entire day. So I ended up binging at the end of the day…

But new day, new energy. I switched to 3 scoops again and trying to drink it more slowly so it’s not so much all at once.

I had the pineapple & coconut flavour this morning and I really really liked it!! It was like drinking a milkshake for breakfast :slight_smile:


Pineapple and coconut is a favourite of mine too although (apparently) controversially I love the matcha flavour! Nothing wrong with joining the plain vanilla club though, the new and improved really is delicious :slight_smile: thanks for sharing and keep us updated!


I like pineapple and coconut too; it doesn’t get enough support IMHO.

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Correct. Interestingly we got very few complaints about the same Strwberry when it was in the small 3g sachets. It showed that it was just the aroma that built up in the top of the pouch which lead to a very strong smell on opening. In the smaller pouches this aroma didn’t have enough room to build. We’ve learned from this and look forward to re-releasing Strawberry and Caramel soon, but we don’t have a firm date yet. Believe we when I say I am pestering the team!

Back down @hunzas. Strongly dislike is fine :wink:

Matcha is definitely a crowd divider! I’m a huge fan of it, especially with Original. Also was loving the P&C/R&C/Banana last week in the hot weather. Just need some classy mini umbrellas now (writes down idea for new Instagram Story)


So day 24 for me now, thought I give you guys an update. I’ve had 2 days in which I didn’t use Huel but on those days I was far more hungry as well and kind of missed it too.

I’ve switched to 3 shakes with 2 scoops instead of 2 shakes with 3 scoops to spread my intake a little. I’ve found out that smaller shakes but more often is a bit more comfortable for me.
I also tried a few shakes with fruit which I liked as well but some fruits (banana and pineapple) make the shake too sweet especially when combined with the New and Improved Vanilla.

One interesting fact is that I’ve stopped blending my Huel. I now just take the powder with me to work and gained the muscles to firmly shake it and remove all lumps. Must be my recent gym subscription paying off, lol…
It saves me a lot of time and energy if I don’t have to blend 3 shakes and take them with me in the morning to work.

One thing annoys me a bit. My new bag has powder in the uhm… what do you call it? press stud? (sorry I’m from Holland so can’t find the correct term) but basically the bag doesn’t close well because there is constantly some powder in it. Does anybody else has this problem?

Yep find it sometimes with the bags that are packed upside down in the delivery box.
I now try to make sure that all the powder settles away from the seal before I tear open the bag.

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Yep - tip bag the right way up, shake and let settle before opening. Failing that, a cocktail stick will help get the powder out of the seal so that when you reseal it, the powder doesn’t block it up.

Although I’ve gone for decanting the contents of each new bag into a large jar as I find that easier to use daily. (Someone on here recommended a dog food container which was the right size for a whole bag, and I might give that a go since I always end up with a bit of powder left in the bag as it doesn’t quite fit into a jar…!)

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Thanks for all the tips! My bag was upside down when I got it indeed.

I tried removing the excessive powder from the seal with a small stick but it did not work well. Can the powder get old or does it taste different if the bag doesn’t close well?

Ive accidentally left mine a bit open a couple of times. Iirc only for a few hours - say around 4-6 and not noticed any difference

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I don’t believe you’ll have any significant loss of flavour or nutrients if the bag isn’t properly sealed after every use - maybe if you left it open for a few months, but not for the amount of time it takes to get through a bag, assuming Huel for at least one meal a day.

I think the overall conditions it’s kept in are more of a factor - unsealed bag in cool, dry cupboard is fine. Open to the elements on a shelf above the kettle probably isn’t!

I’ll leave it to those with more expertise to come along and contradictory, but I think the Huel powder is pretty stable.

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So far I haven’t notice any loss of flavour or nutrients indeed. I use approximately 1 bag per 1,5 week and keep it in a dry cupboard so I don’t think the fact that the seal won’t close entirely is a problem.

Try a fingernail, a credit card or just giving it a hard flick all the way along the seal.

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A knife or pair of scissors would also do the trick if you keep your bags in the kitchen.

Day 50 already! No more problems with the seal in the bags anymore after all of your tips so thanks for that!

So after trying several flavours I now know that I like the plain vanilla the most.

I’ve used Huel as a breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack so far but sometimes I really felt the need to chew something. After the third shake on a day I also start feeling weird sometimes. Like the shakes weren’t enough anymore and I just have to eat.

Especially after an intensive workout a shake just wouldn’t fill me up no matter how many scoops. No, that’s not exactly right. It fills me up but doesn’t completely satisfy me for some reason.

So I’ve ordered the cacao & orange bars and the granola which I both really like. That way I still get my Huel and have something to chew.

I tried a bar after my workout last night and it felt really good. Better than when I take a shake. So it’s not about the amount of calories but more that I just want to eat after a workout.

For the next week I’m going to combine granola, shakes and bars to see how that works for me. It will probably be granola in the morning, 1 or 2 shakes for lunch and a bar for afternoon snack.

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Icy, please be careful you madman. #safetyfirstfirstaidlast


I’m completely with you there! This week is my one-year anniversary on Huel, and I tend not to mess about with it at all.

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I can’t believe it’s been 3 months already. I still very much like Huel and eat it everyday. Every now and then I learn something about my own preferences and then share it here.

Last time I wrote that I do miss chewing. I’ve solved that problem now by adding granola to my shakes. I’ve read that in someone else’s post and decided to give it a go. So now I do 1 scoop Huel and 1 scoop granola for breakfast and for lunch which works great for me.

I’ve also learned that for me it does not really matter how many scoops I use. I’ve tried 1, 2 and 3 scoops to see if it makes any difference. If I could last longer without food if I ate more calories at once but that isn’t the case. My body is very adjusted to eating at certain times.

So 1 scoop at 7.00 in the morning makes me hungry at 11 but 3 scoops does the same thing. Weird, right?

I feel like I’m still in the experimental phase and there are just so many ways of using Huel. Maybe I’m just the kind of person who should switch things up every month to keep things interesting.

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