Just tried Huel RTD and wow!

I can’t go heavy on guar gum (cause bloating and air :dash:), so I still leave it overnight using 1/8 tsp

if your using a blender - adding a piece or two of dried fruits thickens it up - a lot.

But that adds calories as well, ice and guar gum don’t :slight_smile:

yes - you’ll probably add 50 calories or so doing that but they work very well and can add to the flavour

What dried fruit do you usually go with? Apricots? Figs? Dates? Prunes?

usually figs - tried dates and they made it way too thick so instead I’ll use a spoon of date and ginger paste. it’s actually intended for making an asian tea, but added in with huel in the blender gives a real nice taste as well as adding some thickness/smoothness.

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I’ve got to say, I’ve been blending it most nights now (especially since I’m making for two). The trick is to leave it blending for much longer than I thought I should

I just tried some RTD this week. We bought a sample box. I’ve got to sy, they taste so much better than the powder. If you haven’t tried it yet, chocolate RTD is so yummy. Just like chocolate milkshake
If only it wasn’t for the added cost and all the plastic that goes to make each bottle.

Bring on Huel black RTD in 100% recycled and recyclable bottles

they already are recyclable and other changes are coming - as Tim mentioned here:


Any plans for a black edition RTD? Just thinking sometimes for a late snack or a carb heavy day might be good to have.

Yeah I’ve tried both and RTD goes down so well. I go with the Berry one. But I’m sure the texture is the same. I’m not hungry in the mornings, but I train, so after a cup of coffee I can drink this, and it’s nice a cold, and I know I’ve got 400 calories in quick before my workout. Excellent solution.

We know that many are really keen to see it! Although I’d be interested to know if you want the macros found in Black Edition - 17:40:40:3 (carbohydrates, fat, protein fibre)

Or if you actually just want a ready-to-drink protein shake - 11:10:76:3 (carbohydrates, fat, protein, fibre)

I’m already using the berry RTD in the mornings but I’d love a Black Edition RTD for the evenings when I don’t want the extra carbs!

As an alternative to a RTD – a high protein/low carb gel type drink could be nice – not full meal calories – more of a snack/boost kind of thing. Simple mono doy pack format using black algae ink, as its use/production has a net negative carbon footprint.

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