Mocca flavour boost vs coffee premix

Hello everyone!
I’m not a coffee drinker, so I tried every huel premix except for coffee.
That being said, I recently tried the mocca flavour boost in the mix-pack and quite liked it mixed with Original and U/U.
How does the mocca flavour boost compare to the coffee premix? Is the premix worth a try?

Mocha flavour boost is awesome.
I’ve not tried the coffee premix yet but lots of people describe it as having a slight (underlying) toffee flavour similar to the new vanilla premix, and not a very strong coffee flavour.
As you are making the mocha with uu and original, I think the coffee premix is likely to taste very different.

Not many people dislike the coffee premix tho - not heard many bad things about it!
Probably worth trying!
If it’s not to your taste you could always improve it by adding instant coffee granules, and / or cacao powder. Or mocha flavour boost!


Works well with a sugar free gingerbread syrup I’ve got too!

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I love coffee but I cancelled coffee for my next order because it doesn’t taste anything like coffee. Your best just adding your own.
But I suppose if your not a big coffee drinker or you don’t like it at all then I’d recommend it.

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Very interesting, would you also describe it as more of a toffee-vanilla flavour with hints of coffee like ChristinaT did? Because if so, that sounds pretty good!

Yeah toffeish with a slightly coffee aftertaste, it’s nice could drink it all day long but I like drinking strong black coffee and it just doesn’t compare.

Thanks a lot, I will add one to my next order for sure!

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@Dannycopter let me know what you think of it!

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I don’t find Coffee premix tastes ‘toffeeish’ but I do find Vanilla has a hint of toffee about it. I really like Coffee premix as I like Banana premix because of their delicate flavours and they are not too sweet. Nice on their own or as a base for flavour boosts. Caramel fb goes well with Coffee, as does Mocha.


My opinion here is probably biased. I really like coffee and have many types of bean from different intensities and regions. I have found adding either geound beans or instant micro ground coffee to Huel a better option than the coffee Huel. However, I feel the coffee Huel tasted better with milk and with cacao added.

I really do enjoy the Mocha flavour, however I prefer to make my own Mocha flavour.


I am new with Huel Powder. I’m a coffee addict, for me the Coffee premix was a bit disappointing. Because I had these expectations. I always try shakes on their own first with water, but for a real coffee taste I add an espresso and some cinnamon, I will try it with Almond milk next time. I have tried many shakes and I do like these the best. They are not too sweet, which I dislike in others. And these are also low FODMaP, which is a plus for me. With next order I will order the flavours, see if they are any good.